Chapter 27 and 28 Quiz Review Flashcards
Explain being in a state of grace.
To receive Communion, we must be free of mortal sin.
Explain the right intention.
We must intend or want to receive the Body and Blood of Christ.
Explain the Eucharistic fast.
We must fast for one hour from all food and drink except water and medicine before receiving Communion.
Explain thanksgiving.
After receiving Communion, we should thank God for giving us so great of a gift.
Explain obligation.
The Christ requires all people who have received their First Communion to receive the Eucharist at least once a year during the Easter Season.
Explain the Viaticum.
Communion given to one who is dying. Mean “provisions for the journey.”
Is it Jesus who changes bread and wine into his Body and Blood through transubstantiation?
Is the Eucharist Jesus in his entirety, Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity.
Do we receive the divinity of Jesus as well as his humanity?
Did Jesus leave his disciples orphaned?
Is Jesus present in the tabernacles in our churches?
Is Jesus in the tabernacle day and night?
Should we visit Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament?
Does speaking to Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament bring us special graces?
What is a sanctuary lamp?
The lamp that is kept burning as long as the Eucharist is in the tabernacle.
What kind of reverent actions should we do before the Blessed Sacrament?
Genuflect, bowing, blessing ourselves with holy water.
What is a Eucharistic Procession?
When the Eucharist is carried through the streets with solemnity and reverence. Accompanied by singing.
What is Exposition?
When the consecrated Host is put in the monstrance and placed on the altar for people to see and adore.
What is Benediction?
At the end of Exposition when the priest lifts the monstrance and blesses the people with it by making the Sign of the Cross.
Is Jesus present in all the consecrated Hosts in the world?
Why is the Eucharist kept in the Churches?
So that the people may adore it and so that they can receive communion.
Where in the churches is the Holy Eucharist kept?
In the tabernacle.