Chapters 1-14 Exam Review Flashcards
What must we do in order to live according to the will of God?
We must believe the truths that he as revealed and obey his commandments.
What are the commandments of God?
The Ten Commandments, the moral laws God gave to Moses on Mount Sinai
What is the foundation of all our duties toward God and neighbor?
Charity. The greatest commandment is the love of God and the second is love of neighbor.
Why are we obliged to keep the commandments of God?
Because they sum up our basic duty toward God and our neighbor.
Does one who deliberately breaks a commandment of God in a serious matter sin gravely?
What are we required to do by the First Commandment?
To believe in God, to hope in him and to love him above all else.
What does the First Commandment forbid?
Heresy, apostasy, deliberate ignorance of God’s truth, despair, superstition, idolatry.
How does the story of the rich young man teach us to avoid putting possessions above God?
This story showed that he was overly attached to his many possessions and therefore did not follow Jesus. This is an example of idolatry.
How did the Hebrews offer worship to God?
Through animal sacrifice.
What was the perfect sacrifice made to God?
The offering of Jesus on the Cross, which was the perfect act of worship.
How can we participate in Jesus’ perfect act of worship due to God?
By participating in the Mass
What is prayer?
Lifting the mind and heart to God, in order to know him better, to adore him, to thank him, and to ask him for what we need.
What kinds of prayer are there?
Blessing and adoration, petition, intersession, thanksgiving, praise
What is mental prayer?
Mental prayer is that which is said with the mind and heart alone.
What is vocal prayer?
Prayer that is expressed by spoken words with participation in the mind and heart.
How should we pray?
Humbly, attentively, reverently.
Why is is necessary to pray?
In order to grow our faith in God and to be united with him in heaven.
How should we pray and what for?
We should give glory and thanks to God and ask what is necessary to obtain eternal life. We should ask for the forgiveness of our sins.
What is the most perfect prayer?
The Mass because in it Jesus offers himself to the Father for us.
Who are the saints?
Saints are those who showed heroic actions according to the teachings of Jesus Christ that have merited special glory in heaven and on earth.
Why should we pray to the saints in addition to God?
Because God wills to help us through the prayers of the saints who are very holy and close to God.
Why are the angels, saints and our Lady powerful intercessors with God?
Because they are his faithful servants and his beloved friends. Our Lady (Mary) is the most powerful intercessor of all because she is the mother of God.
What is the prayer that we use in a special way to ask for the intersession of our Lady (Mary)?
The Hail Mary
What does the Second Commandment require us to do?
Respect and show reverence to the Holy Name of God.
What does the Second Commandment forbid?
Dishonoring the name of God, Mary, the Saints, and holy objects
What is a oath?
Calling upon God as a witness for what is declared or promised.
Is blasphemy a serious sin?
What is a vow?
A promise made to God of something good that is pleasing to him.
What does the Third Commandment require us to do?
Honor God on Sundays and Holy Days by acts of public worship.
Why must we do acts of external worship?
Because we are required to show our love for God in our entire being, body and soul. We are required to set a good example to others.
Are we required to take part in Mass?
What does the Third Commandment forbid?
Unnecessary work or other activity that takes place of the worship of God on Sundays and other Holy Days.
Which Days are the Holy Days of Obligation?
Solemnity or Mary, The Ascension, The Assumption of Mary, All Saints Day, The Immaculate Conception and Christmas.
Why do Christians worship on Sunday?
Because Jesus rose from the dead on Easter Sunday.
What is abstinence?
To give something up voluntarily, like not eating meat.
What is penance?
An act of self denial or prayer that helps make up for our sins.
When are the days and times for penance for the universal Church?
All Fridays of the year and the time of lent.
What are days when both fasting and abstinence are required in the Church?
Ash Wednesday and Good Friday.
In the United States, what other days are days of required abstinence?
All Fridays during Lent
What does the Fourth Commandment require us to do?
Love, respect, and obey our parents and others who have authority over us.
What does the Fourth Commandment forbid?
Disobeying our parents and others in legitimate authority over us.
Why must we obey those in authority?
Because this authority comes from God and to oppose it is to oppose God.
What must we do if people in authority command us to violate God’s law?
We must obey God rather than the people telling us to do otherwise.
What is the duty of a citizen?
To contribute to the good of society by obeying all just laws, paying taxes, voting, and defending ones own country.
Why does the Church have the authority to make laws and precepts?
Because the Church has received this authority from Jesus Christ through his apostles.
Who can make laws and precepts in the Church?
The bishops, in union with the Pope, can make laws and precepts in the Church.
Must members of the Church obey the precepts of the Church?
What does the Fifth Commandment require?
That we respect all human life from the moment of conception to natural death as well as the spiritual life.
What does the Fifth Commandment forbid?
Direct and intentional killing, including murder, taking of innocent life, curses, and scandal.
What is scandal?
The sin of leading others to sin by setting a bad example.
Does the Fifth Commandment require us to have goodwill towards all, even our enemies?
What does the Sixth Commandment require?
To be chaste in our actions and words.
What does the Sixth Commandment forbid?
Impurity of any kind including looking at immoral pictures, movies games and TV shows.
What does the Ninth Commandment require?
To be chaste in our thoughts and desires.
What does the Ninth Commandment forbid?
Unchaste or impure thoughts and desires.
What does the Seventh Commandment require us to do?
Respect the property of others and return anything we have stolen or borrowed and to repair damages for which we are responsible and to pay a just wage to those who work for us.
What does the Seventh Commandment forbid?
Unjustly taking or keeping our neighbors property.
What does the Tenth Commandment require us to do?
To be just in the desire to improve our own conditions of life.
What does the Tenth Commandment forbid?
Wrongly desiring what other have and excessively desiring riches and power.