Chapter 9 Quiz Review Flashcards
What is the common good?
All the things in a society that allow people to have what they need in order to be truly happy
What is the state?
A society of people united under a common government or authority
What is Patriotism?
The virtue of love for one’s country
The government is supposed to use its ______________ as God intended.
Who gives the ultimate authority?
Does the government have rightful authority over us?
Is it ok to support immoral laws?
If the government says that something is legal, does that mean that it is also moral?
Does the government’s authority come from God?
Is patriotism in keeping with Christianity?
Is there more than one kind of legitimate government?
Should the government respect God’s Laws?
Is it acceptable for the government to demand something of us that is against God’s law?
What are the duties of the Government (State)?
- Promote the common good for their citizens
- Promote justice
- Uphold human dignity of citizens
- Make laws that go along with God’s law
What are the duties of the Citizens?
- Respect state officials
- Serve the country for common good
- Pay taxes, vote, defend country
- Welcome foreigners
- Refuse laws that go against God’s moral law
Why must we obey those in authority?
Because this authority comes from God.
What must we do if men in authority command us to violate God’s law?
We must obey God rather than man.