Final: Lecture 19 Flashcards
Hip relevant palpable features
•Greater sciatic notch, ischial spine, lesser sciatic notch, ischial tuberosity, articular (lunate) surface, acetabular fossa, acetabular notch, obturator foramen, auricular surface
Hip muscle attachment sites
•Anterior gluteal line, posterior gluteal line, inferior gluteal line
Hip palpable feature
•Iliac crest
Sacrum muscle attachment, relevant impalpable, and palpable features
- Muscle: lateral sacral crest
- Impalpable: auricular surface, posterior sacral foramina, lumbosacral articular surface, sacral part of pelvic brim, anterior sacral foramina
- Palpable: median sacral crest
Femur muscle attachment sites
•Greater trochanter, trochanteric fossa, intertrochanteric crest, greater trochanter, quadrate tubercle, gluteal tuberosity
Structures exiting the Greater Sciatic Foramen
- Gluteal neurovascular bundles
- Piriformis m.
- Sciatic nerve
- Posterior Femoral cutaneous n
- Pudendal n and internal pudendal n
- Obturator internus/superior gemellus nerve
Structures entering the Lesser Sciatic Forament
- Pudendal n and internal pudendal artery
* Obturator internus/superior gemellus nerve
T/F the Obturator internus enters the Lesser Sciatic Foramen
•False, exits
Superior gluteal nerve
- Leaves pelvis uperior to piriformis with superior gluteal artery
- Runs between gluteus medius and minimus
- **Supplies gluteus medius, minimus, and tensor fascia latae
Inferior gluteal nerve
- Leaves pelvis inferior to piriformis with inferior gluteal artery
- **supplies gluteus maximus
Sciatic nerve
- Leaves pelvis inferior to piriformis
- Runs inferiorly deep to gluteus maximus
- Usually divides about halfway down thigh into tibial and common fibular nerves
- L4-S3, doesn’t supply any gluteal structures
Pudendal Nerve
- Anterior divisions of S2-S4 ventral rami
- S2, 3, 4 keeps your penis off the floor
- Most medial structure exiting greater sciatic foramen
- Reenters pelvis via lesser sciatic foramen to supply perineal structures
Superior Gluteal Artery
- Largest internal iliac artery branch
- Superficial branch: gluteus maximus
- Deep branch: gluteus medius, minimus, and tensor fascia lata
Inferior Gluteal Artery
- Supplies: Maximus, small lateral rotators, superior hamstrings
- Participates in cruciate anastomosis of thigh
Internal Pudendal Artery
- Reenters pelvis via lesser sciatic foramen
- Supplies perineal muscles of ext genitalia
- Does not supply any gluteal structures