Final Incisors Flashcards
incisor crown shape from facial view? What is longest dimension
*longer incisogingivally than mesiodistally
crowns taper in what direction from facial view?
from contact areas to cervical lines
crown outlines on the distal are more ____ than mesial? Exception
*exception on mandibular central incisor (known for their symmetry)
mesioincisal angles are?
distoincisal angles are?
mesioincisal= acute or 90 degrees
distoincisal= obtuse or rounded
Exception is mandibular central incisor where both the mesial and distal angles are similar
mesial contact areas?
distal contact areas?
mesial= incisal third distal= more cervical Exception= mand central incisor have mesial and distal contacts at the same height
roots taper what direction?
from cervical line to apex and facial to lingual
roots are wider?
faciolingually then mesiodistally except mandibular central
when bent, root are often bend?
distally in the apical third
roots are slghtly to consideraby longer?
roughly same= max central
roots much longer= max lateral
incisal veiw, crowns taper?
from proximal contact to lingual
the mesial and distal marginal ridges converge?
towards the cingulum
what is the proximal outline of incisors?
wedge or triangular shape
facial and lingual crests of curvature are in the?
cervical third
proximal cervical lines are?
curve more on mesial or distal?
convex, curve towards incisal
*curve more on mesial
what is the shape of lingual outline?
S-shaped with a concave lingual fossa and marginal ridge. Convex cingulum
incisal edges terminate mesially and distally at? (incisal view)
the widest portion of the tooth and crown
facial outlines compared to lingual outliens
facial outlines are more broadly outlined than lingual
incisal edges slope shorter where? except?
on the distal EXCEPT on symmetrical mandibular incisors which have no slope
Do incisors have fossa?
yes, a lingual fossa located between marginal ridges, ore evident on maxillary incisors
crowns of both maxillary incisors are longer? which one is more oblong?
cervicoincisally then mesiodistally
*laterals are more oblong
the lateral or central incisors have more rounded corners from facial veiw?
incisal edges slope?
cervically on the distal; more so on laterals
how are the cingula orientated?
central= off center to distal lateral= centered
mesial marginal ridges of maxillary incisors are ____ then the distal? why?
longer. longer on centrals due to the distally displaced cingulum; longer on laterals due to the cervical slope of the incisal edge to the distal