Final: Feminist Flashcards
FEMINIST: Key concepts
○ “Doing the gender”
■ Process in which women and men not only internalize societal constructions of
men/women, but also encouraged and rewarded for playing them out in the
interpersonal interactions
■ When we disallow conversations that may challenge, change or be contrary to the
conventional societal views of women and men
○ Personal is political
○ Experiences and perceptions of all people must be heard and valued
○ Egalitarian relationships
○ Positive and strength based
○ Commitment to social change
○ Group membership has a pervasive impact on our lives
FEMINIST: View on sex and gender
○ Sex
■ Biological; male/sex/intersex
○ Gender
■ social/psychological/cultural
■ masculine/feminine/gender non-conforming
○ Expand understandings of inequality beyond gender/sex roles
○ Transform social relationships and institutions
○ Identify gender-role socialization process
○ Identify internalized messages and replace them with self-enhancing messages
○ Understand sexist and oppressive societal beliefs and their influence
○ Acquire skills to make change in their context
○ Develop a wide range of behaviors that are freely chosen
○ Evaluate the impact of social factors on their lives
○ Develop a sense of personal and social power
○ Recognize power of relationships
○ Trust own experiences, intuitions
○ Institutional change
○ Advocacy