Final - Female Athlete Train and Exercise During Pregnancy Flashcards
female athlete triad
disordered eating
updated female athlete triad definition
relationships among energy availability, menstrual function and BMD that may have clinical manifestations including eating disorders, functional hypothalamic amenorrhea, or osteoporosis
relative energy deficiencies in sport (RED-S)
encompasses the syndrome in males as well as females
- comprehensive model depicting low energy status in physically active women or men
risk factors for developing female athlete triad
- more likely in athletes participating in sports emphasizing low body weight or subjective judging of appearance
- more likely in athletes with social isolation and local of support system due to extreme focus on training
- competition at very high or elite level
- family history of disordered eating
- perceived lack of control of environment
- coaches, parental, school, society pressure
- episodes of binge eating followed by extreme guilt and some kind of purging
- desire to be thin but usually or normal or above normal weight
anorexia nervosa
- psychiatric syndrome of severe weight loss by self starvation that is due to extreme desire to be thin and a distorted body image
risks associated with disordered eating
- Decreased bone mineral density (premature osteoporosis)
- Menstrual abnormalities leading to amenorrhea and infertility
- Electrolyte disturbances
- Decreased immune function
- Diminished ability to heal wounds
- GI dysfunction
The absence of at least 3 to 6
consecutive menstrual cycles in
women who have already begun
hypothalamic amenorrhea
diagnosis of exclusion
*cessation of menstruation due to dysfunction of hypothalamic signals
to the pituitary gland,resultingin anovulation
functional amenorrhea
- Exercise or acute
* Weight loss
Psychogenic amenorrhea
- Associated with psychological trauma or stress;
* May be accompanied by caloric deficiency
Anorexia nervosa amenorrhea
•Body wasting
hypothalamic and other endocrine abnormalities
amenorrhea in athletes
- Some athletes do not show frank amenorrhea, but do have other menstrual dysfunction
- irregular menses (oligomenorrhea)
- luteal phase defects (LPD)
- LPD: patient ovulates, but ovarian function is insufficient to support implantation.
Amenorrhea and Energy Deficit
•Recent research favors “energy deficit” or a “hypometabolic state” as a causal factor in luteal phase defects and exercise-induced amenorrhea
does exercise in itself affect reproductive function?
Exercise Induced Amenorrhea
Working Hypothesis
Suppression of reproductive function is a neuroendocrine adaptation to caloric deficit
energy deficit affects ovulatory function
- normal metabolic state –> ovulatory menstrual cycles
- intermittent/ transient energy deficit –> luteal phase deficient menstrual cycles
- long term energy deficit –> amenorrheic cycles
what does energy deficit suppress?
GnRH pulsatility –> disruption of LH secretion pulsatility –> ovulatory irregularities
maybe look over these two ovulation graphs on pg 20 and 21 if you want to
Amenorrhea And Energy Drain
•The lower limit of energy availability compatible with healthy LH pulsatilityvaries among women.
•The threshold appears to be 20 -30 kcal/kg FFM/day
(FFM = fat-free mass)
how much energy availability is enough to maintain normal LH pulsitility
30 kcal/kg/day
- Refers to premature bone loss or inadequate bone formation in this group
- Resulting in:
- Low bone mass for age
- Microarchitectural deterioration
- Increased skeletal fragility
- Increased risk of fracture