What is your approximate Height and Weight?
Extremely Overweight: Royal Neighbors of America /Aetna / Accendo
Have you used Tobacco in the last 12 months?
Cigarettes: Americo;
Cigars and Pipe: American Amicable;
Chewing Tobacco: Prosperity
Do you use Oxygen or are you confined to a Wheelchair?
Daily Oxygen: AIG or Great Western
Occasional Oxygent: GTL
Confined to a wheelchair because of Accident: American Amicable or LBL
Confined to Wheelchair: GTL, AIG, Great Western
Have you been hospitalized in the last 12 months?
Hospitalized last 12 months (more than five days): American Amicable or Royal Neighbors
Any history or Cancer, Heart Attack, Stroke, or Congestive Heart Failure, Kidney Disease, HIV/AIDs, Hep C?
Cancer in last 24 months: AIG or
Great Western;
Congestive Heart Failure (CHF): GTL
Chronic Kidney Disease: SBLI
Kidney Dialysis: AIG or Great Western
HIV/AIDS: AIG or Great Western;
Hep C: SBLI or RNA if no treatment and cured for 2+ years.
Do you COPD or Asthma?
COPD and Smoker: GTL
COPD nonsmoker / Asthma for level: LBL, SBLI, Aetna / Accendo
Do you have diabetes? Any amputations? Neuropathy?
Diabetic Amputation: AIG or GW; 2+ years Trinity / FBL or Prosperity
Any Depression, bi-Polar, Schizophrenia, Dementia, or Seizures?
Depression, Bi-Polar, Schizo: AmAm, RNA, LBL
Dementia: AIG or Great Western
Seizures: Prosperity
Do you have Lupus, Parkinson’s Disease, MS, or Sickle Cell?
If yes, SBLI
Do you take any medications, if so, for what?
if for Lupus, Parkinson’s Disease, MS, or Sickle Cell : SBLI