Final Exam Review Flashcards
Which tissue is the most energy dense tissue?
Fat (adipose) tissue
Which glands secrete substances through a duct into a body cavity or surface
Exocrine glands
What process can estimate body fat percentage
Measuring thickness of pinched tissue
Where is cartilage found ?
At the end of long bones and between vertebrae
What hormone stimulates red blood cell production?
What does leptin do?
Leptin helps body monitor how much fat it contains
Where do macrophages breakdown old red blood cells?
Liver and spleen
Systolic pressure
Pressure when ventricles contract
Diastolic pressure
Pressure when ventricles relax
Clinical term for high blood pressure
What cells of the heart would regulate a heart rate of 100 BPM if not influenced by other factors?
Pacemaker cells
Components of blood that aide in clotting
What are blood cells suspended in?
What inhibits the enzymes that produce prostaglandins?
What is the good cholesterol and what is the bad cholesterol?
HDL is the good cholesterol and LDL is the bad cholesterol.
Which receptors detect airborne chemicals
Olfactory receptors
What is fluid that fills the eye called?
Vitreous humor
Where is the human blind spot located?
Where the optic nerve exits the retina
What is the name of the small bone located in inner ear?
_______ are more sensitive to light.
_________ are more sensitive to color.
What activates pain receptors that allow us to taste hot and spicy flavors?
Which vitamin is essential for the light capturing molecules in the retina?
Vitamin A
What type of communication takes place between neurons?
Synaptic transmission
Limbic system
Specific set of structures in brain in control of emotions and emotional behaviors
Which part of the brain is responsible for helping coordinate body movements?
Right-handed people are more likely to be better in what aspects?
Math, language, and logical problem-solving
Autonomic nervous system controls which movement?
Involuntary movement
Which portion of the brain is associated with long-term memory?
Which portion of the brain is associated with visualizing words?
Posterior portion of the cerebrum
What two things interact with one another to contract a muscle fiber?
Actin and myosin
Repeating units in myofibrils and are separated by Z Lines
What connects muscle to bone?
In order for contraction to occur what must pull what off of Actin binding sites for contraction to occur?
Calcium ions and troponin pull tropomyosin off of Actin binding sites for contraction to occur.
Waste product of protein digestion eliminated in urine
What starts in the renal cortex and dips down into the renal medulla?
Loop of Henle
The filtrate in collecting duct can be how many times as concentrated as in the blood?
Channels that water is reabsorbed through in the nephron
Which hormone causes more water to be reabsorbed in the nephron?
Antidiuretic hormone
Fluid leaving the glomerulus
Which sphincter is under voluntary control?
External urinary sphincter
Sexually transmitted diseases
Which type of reproduction creates identical offspring?
Asexual reproduction
Tubal ligation
Type of permanent contraceptive in which fallopian tube’s are cut
To fertilize an egg sperm must pass which layers?
Corona radiata and Zona Pellucida
What does sperm contain that allows it to enter egg?
Chorionic gonadotropin
Hormone present in urine that can confirm pregnancy
Why is vaginal lining acidic?
To help prevent infections
Why is semen alkaline?
To protect sperm from acidity of urine, and vaginal secretions.
The release of a mature egg sal from the ovary in a female.
Egg cells developing into viable offspring without being fertilized.
What hormone in birth control pills prevents FSH release so follicles do not develop?
What is the ideal temperature for sperm development?
92.6–97 .6°F
Most common bacterial STD in US
Which form of birth control is the least effective?
Corona radiata
Outer shell of egg
What functions for several months after egg is fertilized?
Corpus luteum
How long does an average menstrual cycle last?
28 days
What moves ovulated eggs into and through fallopian tubes?
At the onset of puberty, how many primary oocytes do the ovaries contain?
400,000 primary oocytes
Which hormone begins hormone cascade during puberty?
Which glands are the last glands that secrete substances into semen?
Bulbourethral glands
Spermatogonia, spermatocytes, and spermatids are found in which cells?
Sertoli cells
Control secretions of hormones from the pituitary gland
Raises blood glucose levels
Lowers blood glucose levels
Respiratory centers located in which portion of the brain
Medulla of the brain
Movement of food back and forth in the digestive system
Helicobacter pylori bacteria
Common cause of ulcers in the digestive system