Final Exam Review Flashcards
How many bones are in the vertebral column?
List the number of vertebrae for cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacrum
abnormal lateral curvature of spine:
abnormal/exaggerated spinal curvature w/ increased convexity
abnormal/exaggerated “sway back” curvature of spine
part between body and spinous process
3 unique features of the cervical spine:
bifid spinous process….
What’s another name of C1?
why is it unique?
it has no body
landmark corresponding to C3
landmark corresponding to C5
thyroid cartilage????
other than selecting small focal spot, you can improve spat. res. for oblique and lateral C-spine by doing what?
increasing SID
CR and angle for AP C-spine:
CR parallel to MML; 1” inferoposterior to mastoid tips and mandible
CR and angle for AP T-spine:
perpendicular; at T7/3-4” below jugular notch
what position demonstrates the right intervertebral foramina of C-spine?
what position do you see the Z joints of C spine?
why is chin extended on C spine?
to prevent superimposition of mandible
how do you see Z joints of T spine?
20° from lateral
how do you see vertebral bodies of the T spine on a lateral?
ensure vertebral column is parallel to IR
if you can see dens on open mouth projection, what do you do?
perform Fuchs method
what is the avg number of fused segments of the adult coccyx?
anterior wedging and loss of vertebral height usually at T12-L1
compression f/x
bony landmarks:
how many ribs are true/false/floating?
at what age is the xiphoid process fully ossified?
which part of the rib articulates w the T spine?
why is a PA projection of the sternum preferred?
places sternum over the heart when in RAO position?
what position is used for right axillary rib
how does hemothorax occur?
blunt trauma
air in pleural cavity space:
kVp for lower ribs:
+/- 80
pectus carinatum:
puffed up chest
what projection is used to view right posterior side?
what landmark can be used for bariatric pt on mobile AP chest or sternum?
jugular notch
list the bones of floor of the cranium
sphenoid, ethmoid, R and L temporal
cranial bone superior to nasal conchae:
junction of nasal bone:
contrecoup f/x
Injury to one side caused by a blow on the opposite side
what angle does the OML form for the Waters projection?
what quadrant is the appendix located?
bile is formed in the ______ and stored in the __________:
liver; gallbladder
CR and angle for sacrum:
for coccyx:
sacrum: 15° cephalad at 2” sup. to pubic symphysis
coccyx: 10° caudad at 2” superior to pubic symphysis
organs in the RUQ:
liver, gallbladder, pancreas, R kidney, right colic flexure
organs in the RLQ:
appendix, cecum, ascending colon
organs in the LUQ:
stomach, spleen, left colic flexure, L kidney
organs in the LLQ:
sigmoid colon, descending colon
hepatobiliary system
CR for SC joints PA and oblique:
PA: T2-3/3” distal to vertebra prom.
oblique: T2-T3/1-2” lateral to MSP and 3” distal to vertebra prom.
how do you position the pt for RAO esophagram:
35-40° on right side from prone
parts of GI systems:
branches of science:
negative vs positive contrast
What is the CR and pt position for barium enema?
male cystography
NPO for upper GI..
NPO for
nephron vs renal parenchyma
rugae vs haustra
skull series:
moderate reactions:
SMV projection:
immobilization devices for peds
lateral skull
lateral sinuses
how do you do Z joints on T spine?
lateral T spine position
what shows on a lateral C spine?
what is demonstrated on Judd? Fuchs?
parts of coccyx:
how do you perform lateral sternum?
tilt and rotation errors of skull
Towne modifications
indications for voiding cystogram for peds
line for open mouth projection
L spine needs what degree for certain anatomy
how do you reduce dose for scoliosis series and how much is it reduced by?
joint classifications
projections of ribs
different members of surgical team:
nurse, scrub circulator
how do you r/o esophageal varices?
how to best visualize anatomy of stomach:
skull classifications