Final Exam questions Flashcards
What dentifrice ingredients should be avoided if a nonabrasive dentrifice is recommneded?
Baking Soda
What action should be performed before the placement of a dental sealant?
Caries Risk Assessment
Pit and Fissure sealnts should be used in combination with florides for prevention of other types of caries becasue they are primarily effective in prevnting pit and fissure caries.
Both are true
Detergent ingredients in dentifrices help loosen debris through their foaming action. An example of a detergent is sodium lauryl sulfate
Your patient has just concluded ortho therapy and is upset about the white areas in the former loaction odf the brackets. What would be the best dentrifice recommendation?
Remineralization dentifrice with fluoride and calium phosphate
Which of the following situations are indications for placement of dental sealant?
- A deep occlusal fissure
- An incipient Class I carious lesion
Which of the following best describes the purpose of using etchant or tooth conditioner during the sealnt application?
Increases the surface area for the sealant material
If a sealant was lost within a couple of months after application, what would most likely be cause of failure?
operator error
Sealant material often contains filler particles. The purpose of the filler is to make the sealnt more resistant to abrasion and wear.
Modern sealnt products ploymerize through use of a blue light source. The disadvantage of using light cured system is that the cliniman may experience wrist fatigue if necessary precautions are not utilized
First statment is true, Second is false
Which if the following Best describes the purpose for the use of a selant material with fluoride?
It inhibits the growth of caries in the enamel surrounding the sealant