FINAL EXAM old exam questions Flashcards
The frequency of sound waves is detected by the ____ membrane of the cochlea.
_Function of Septal Area _
Docile Behavior (Pleasure Centrer)
Function of Hippocampus
Short Term Memory
Function of the Amygdala
Aggressive Behavior
Function of Medial Geniculate Body
Function of Subthalamic Nucleus
Generation of Rhythmic Movements
Function of Supraoptic Nucleus
Secretes Antidiuretic Hormone
Function of Paraventricular Nucleus
Secretes Oxytocin
Function of the Flocculonodular Lobe
Eye Movement and Balance Control
Function of the Cerebellar Hemisphere
Adjustments for Fine, Skilled Movements
Function of Mitral Cells
The current in hair cells is conveyed predominatly by _____ ions
Projections of retinal ganglion cells to the _____ region of the brainstem mediates reflex regulation of pupil size.
______ cells located in the retina are spontaneously active and respond to visual stimuli by increasing or decreasing action potential frequency.
Photoreceptor cells are hyperpolized (inhibited) in the _____ and depolarized (excited) in the _______.
Light; Dark
Pain sensation is transmitted to the CNS via which type of peripheral nerve fibers?
A Delta & C Fibers
Which spinal cord nucleus is responsible for relaying pain sensation to the thalamus?
Marginal Nucleus
Which one of the following terms refers to a pathological condition in which pain is produced by a stimulus that is normally innocuous (e.g. touching sunburned skin)?
A client brings his dog into your clinic because it shows weakness and paresis of the RIGHT HINDLIMB. You perform a myelogram and discover an intradural tumor that has compressed the white matter of the LATERAL FUNICULUS ON THE RIGHT SIDE. The tumor has DAMAGED THE FIBERS OF THE SPINOTHALAMIC and SPINOCERVICAL THALAMIC TRACTS running u the RIGHT side of the spinal cord and thus pain sensation cannot be conveyed via these tracts. Based on your knowledge of neurobiology what effect would this tumor have on pain senation transmitted from the hindlimbs?
The dog would have diminished pain sensation from both hindlimbs.
Acute pain differs from transient (physiological) pain in which ways? (4)
- Actue pain is elicited by injury of body tissue and local tissue damage
- Acute pain is associated with alterations in the response characteristics of nociceptors
- Acute pain typically lasts for days or weeks
- Acute pain is typically associated with the development of hyperalgesia
This nucleus is:
located in the midline of the rostral medulla
contains high levels of serotonin
and is
an important component of the endogenous analgesia system
Stimulation of this nucleus causes inhibition of pain tranmsmission neurons at the level of the spinal cord
Raphe Magnus
The Purkinje cells of the paravermal cortex of the cerebellum send their axons exclusively to the underlying:
Interpositus Nucleus
A client brings his dog into your small animal practice and complains that the dog is running into furtniture at home and also is drinking excessively and urinating a lot. You perform a water deprivation test and ifnd that the dog is unable to concentrate urine even though water intak eis restricted.
As part of a cranial nerve exam you also test the menace response and note that the dog has difficulty seeing your hand when it is placed laterally in his visual field. All other cranial nerves appear normal. Baed on these symptoms and the results of your neuro exam & water dep test, you decide that the dog has a lesion (probably a tumor) in which one of the following brain regions?
Cerebellar climbing fibers arise exclusively from which one of the following regions?
Olivary Nuclei
The habenular nucleus is a major component of which one of the following regions?
Synchronization of body rhythms that have a period of about 24 hours is due to the function of which nuclei?
Suprachiasmatic Nucleus
Stimulation of the “rostral” hypothalamus, e.g. by a tumor that was present in the area, would be expected to cause which symptoms? (2)
Slower Heart Rate
Hyperthermia (Fever)
Which sequences of events best describes the biochemical events that lead to depolarization of olfactory receptor cells once an odor molecule binds to the 7 transmembrane odorant receptor on the receptor cell surface? (5)
Binding of odor molecule
Activates G Protein
Activates Adenyl Cyclase (type III)
Generates cAMP
Opens ion channel to admit calcium (important) and sodium
What are characteristic features of limbic system structures? (3)
- Rich innervation by axons containing serotonin, dopamine, and epinephrine
- Low threshold for seizure activity
- Direct or indirect connections with the hypothalamus
Efferent input to hair cells in the cochlea originates from:
Dorsal Nuclei of Trapezoid Body
A client brings his 4 week old JRT to your clinic and upon examination you find that the dog has progressive cerebellar disease, which is inherited as an autosomal recessive condition in this breed. Based on your knowledge of the cerebellum and its function, describe 3 major clinical signs that this dog would exhibit that would allow you to arrive at your decision that the cerebellum is functioning abnormally:
- Head Tilt
- Loss of balance/Ataxia
- Change in attitude
Contrast the functional differences between rods and cones by describing two functional features that are different in rods and cones:
Low Sensitivity
Dim Light
High Sensitivity
Bright Light
The middle ear functinos to convert a large-amplitude, large-force input to a low-aplitude, low-force output
The middle ear functinos to convert a large-amplitude, large-force input to a low-aplitude, low-force output
The direction of a source of high-pitch sound is detected by the sound intensity difference between the near ear and the far ear of the subject.
Photoreceptor cells are polarized in the dark and depolarized by light (photons)
Photoreceptor cells are depolarized in the dark and hyperpolarized by light (photons).
Horizontal cells are responsible for the lateral inhibition manifested in the retina.
In regard to the visual reflex that regulates pupil size in response to light intensity, the visual afferent fibers travel in the brachium of the rostral colliculus to the pretectal region of the brainstem.
The habenular nucleus is a component of the endogenous pain suppression system.
The habenular nucleus is a component of the endogenous pain suppression system.
The cerebellar interpositus nucleus receives Purkinje cell axons from the paravermis region of the cerebellar cortex.
Control of daily (circadian) rhythms is a function of the suprachiasmatic nucleus of the hypothalamus.
Axons from the dentate nucleus of the cerebellum travel throught he caudal cerebellar peduncle
Axons from the dentate nucleus of the cerebellum travel throught he caudal cerebellar peduncle
The spiral organ of the cochlea sits on the ______ membrane
Pressure waves in the scala vestibuli are the result of movement of the oscicle named the _____ on the mmebrane covering the oval window.
The tapetum lucidum is located within the ____ of the vascular layer of the eyeball.
The photoreceptor cell type associated with relay circuits and temporal summation within the retina is called a ______.
The major difference between the spinocervicothalamic pathway and the spinothalamic pathway is the presence, in the former pathway, of a second projection neuron in the ____ nucleus of the spinal cord.
Which one of the following terms refers to a condition in which the pain sensation elicited by a noxious stimulus is increased over normal levels of pain sensation?
Clinically, “intention tremor” is typically observed in animals with damage to the:
The pineal body (gland) and the caudal commissure are considered part of the:
Conscious awareness of smell occurs in which brain region?
Piriform Cortex
A client brings his 12-year-old German Shepherd into your veterinary clinic. A CAT-scan shows a tumor situatied in the piriform lobe infiltrating the amygdala. This astrocytoma is rapidly growing and releasing substances that excite (depolarize) neurons in the amygdala. Based on this information what behavior sign would you predict the dog would exhibit?
Aggressive Behavior
Cerebellar mossy afferent fibers arise from 4 regions of the CNS
Pontine Nucleus
Vestibular Nuclei
Nucleus Thoracicus
Spinal Cord
As a tumor of the pituitary gland grows it often compresses the infundibular stalk including the axon arising from neurons located in the supraoptic nucleus. Once these axons are ocmpressed they are unable to transport their hormonal product to the neurohypophysis. What condition would result from specific damage to axons of the supraoptic nucleus?
Diabetes Insipidus
A primary afferent neuron that is preferentially sensitive to a noxious stimulus is called a
Which hypothalamic nuclei produces a hormone that stimulates myometrial contractions and accelerates parturition?
Paraventricular Nucleus
Basket cells of the cerebellum exert a powerful inhibitory effect on which cerebellar cell type?
Purkinje Cells
For the spinothalamic pathway, indicate the specific locations of the cell bodies of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd order neurons in the pathway:
1st - Periphery (skin)
2nd - Nucleus Proprius
3rd - Thalamus
An animal that suffers destruction of ONLY the RIGHT spinothalamic tract at the level of spinal cord segment T12 would lose pain sensation in which one of its four limbs?
Left Hindlimb
In pain lectures, you were given information related to “how to recognize pain in animals”. Describe 2 signs that you might look for
Behavioral - Increased aggressiveness, lethargy
Physiological - Obvious Injury
The hypothalamus is the most _____ part of the diencephalon.
It is the most significant compoenent of the diencephalon from a clinical standpoint because lesions result in abnormalities in ______, limbic and/or autonomic function.
How do releasing factors produced in the hypothalamus get to the adenohypophysis to stimluate or inhibit the release of anterior pituitary hormones?
Releasing factors are released into the venous system where they move through the venous plexus into the pituitary gland.
Photons trigger closure of cation channels and decrease in neurotransmitter release by rods
Dogs have two populations of color sensitive cones.
Neurons in the pretectal region give rise to the tectospinal tract.
Neurons in the pretectal region give rise to the tectospinal tract.
Motion information and color information are conveyed separately in visual pathways.
Axons that run in the lateral lemniscus arise from neuron cell bodies located in the m edial geniculate nucleus.
Axons that run in the lateral lemniscus arise from neuron cell bodies located in the m edial geniculate nucleus.
Cochlear nuclei are the source of efferent axons to hair cells in the spiral organ.
Cochlear nuclei are the source of efferent axons to hair cells in the spiral organ.
Auditory ossicles operate to convert large amplitude movement to high force movement.
Inner hair cells receive more innervation from cochlear nerve neurons than do outer hair cells.
Function of Nociception
Detection of tissue damage by nociceptors
Function of Hyperalgesia
Inflammatory mediators cause this
Example of Allodynia
Sunburn is an example of this
Pain Preventing
Stimulus that damages tissue
A-delta fiber
Lightly myelinated fiber responsible for 1st pain
Non-myelinated fiber responsible for 2nd Pain
Metabolite that activates nociceptive free nerve endings
Neurotransmitter of Primary Afferent Nociceptors
Substance from Mast Cells that Sensitizes Nociceptors
Damage to which diencephalic area would be expected to interfere with normal circadian rhythms resulting in alterations in the normal sleep/wake cycle?
Suprachiasmatic Nucleus
The rostral and caudal hypothalamus affect autonomic function differently. A pituitary tumor that stimulates the rostral hypothalamus would be expected to cause which symptoms?
Decreased body temperature
“Diabetes Insipidus” is a condition in which there is a loss of control of water excretion such that animals drink and urinate excessively. This condition is caused by lesions that interfere with the production or transport of which one hypothalamic substance?
Vasopressin (ADH)
Mitral cells are important neurons in the conduction of which sensations?
An animal with a brain tumor that damages the septal area might be expected to show what type of behavior?
Which 4 structures are components of the limbic system?
- Hippocampus
- Amygdala
- Cingulate Gyrus
- Mamillary body
The tapteum lucidum is located within the _____ of the eyeball.
A client brings a 10 yr old GR to your vet clinic bc the dog shows abnormal gait. As you examine the animal you find that it has normal strength and movement in all four limbs with no signs of weakness or paralysis and it also shows normal withdrawal reflexes. However, you also find that the dog has marked bilateral ataxia and dysmetria and shows a pronounced nystagmus. Based on your knowledge of brain anatomy and clinical dysfunction what brain area do you conclude has been damaged?
3 Criteria are characteristic of a structure that is part of the limbic system. List them.
Describe or diagram the components of the Endogenous Analgesia System including the major brain stem regions involved. In addition indicate one of the neurotransmitters involved in the descending inhibition produced by this system.
_____ cells are the retinal cells responsible for the surround inhibition exhibited by ganglion cells.
The photoreceptor cells that contain rhodopsin and participate in highly convergent retinal circuits are called _______.
The phrase “place principle” pertains to the detection of the quality of sound called _______.
The _____ membrane separates the scala tympani from the cochlear duct.
Cerebellar climbing fibers arise from which structure?
Olivary Nucleus
Which one of the deep cerebellar nuclei is involved with correcting gross movements in animals via its projections to the red nucleus?
Interpositus Nucleus
The Purkinje cells of the cerebellar hemisphere project to which one of the deep cerebellar nuclei?
Dentate Nucleus
Which one of the diencephalic subdivisions plays a role int he generation of rhytmic movements in animals?