Final Exam - Nutrition Flashcards
CrCrl equation
((140-age)BW)/(72SCr) (*0.85 for females)
IBW equation
50kg + (2.3 * inches over 60) (male)
45.5kg + (2.3 * inches over 60) (female)
DBW equation and when to use
IBW +0.4(actual wt-IBW)
-use if actual BW is 130% or more of IBW
NBW equation and when to use
IBW+0.25(actual wt - IBW)
-use when actual BW is 130% or more of IBW
risk factors for malnutrition (8)
- under BW (20%+ below IBW)
- involuntary wt loss (>10%) within 6m)
- NPO >10 days*
- gut malfunction*
- mechanical vent*
- increased metabolic needs (trauma/burn, high dose steroids)
- alcohol/substance abuse
- chronic diseases
*ICU pts often
high risk score number for NUTRIC
two lab tests to determine inflammation status
provide carbs followed by high protein
provide well balanced substrate
ideal nitrogen balance level
(+3 to +5)
nitrogen balance equation
Nin - Nout
Nin equation
24hr protein intake (g)/6.25
Nout equation
24hr UUN (g) + factor (3-5) (just use 4)
kcal/kg/day for hospitalized pts
TEE = ?
REE *1.2