Final Exam (8,10,11,14) Flashcards
what is consanguineal?
It is the people related through blood
what is affinal?
It is the people related through marriage
What are the three kinship groups?
Nominal, effective and intimate/core
What are descent groups?
Membership in a group by lineal descent from a real/mythical ancestor. It is restricted by locality and choice but making sex the deciding factor
What is unilineal descent?
Patrilineal descent and organization has the dominance of men over women
What is patrilineal descent?
A person is connected to relatives of both sexes through the males line only
What is matrilineal descent?
A person connected to kin of both sexes related through females only
What is double descent?
A system tracing descent matrilineally for some purposes and patrilineallly for others
What is a ambilineal (choice)
System in which a person may choose the mother’s or father’s descent group to live with
What are the purpose of descent groups?
-Provides mutual aid to members
-Supports elderly and infirm
-Reposity of religious traditions
-Provides protection and security
What is lineage?
It is a corporate descent group whose members trace their genealogical links to a common ancestor. It can be patrilineal or matrilineal
What is a clan?
It is a non-corporate descent group whose members are from a common ancestor but they don’t know the genealogical links to those ancestor. Totemism
What is a moiety?
Descent group that makes up half of society
What is the order of the triangle that makes up the tribe?
2) Families
3) Lineage
4) Clans
5) phratries
6) moieties
7) Tribe
Each increases by two individuals to make up the other
What is bilateral descent? (Kindred)
Both sides are equally important for emotional ties/for transfer of property/wealth
What is parallel cousins?
Cousins who are the children old mother’s sister or father’s brother
What is cross cousins?
Cousins who are the children of mother’s bother or father’s sister
What is Eskimo system? ( lineal)
Emphasizes relatives of nuclear family. This system found in societies with bilateral kindred and used by hunters and gatherers
What is Hawaiian system? (Generational)
Emphasizes relatives of the same sex and generation and associated with ambilineal descent
What is Iroquois system? (Bifurcate merging)
Associated with unilineal descent (can be patrilineal or matrilineal descent). Parallel cousins are classified as siblings (brother or sister)
What is crow system?
It is associated with matrilineal descent (same terms used for father’s daughter and sister)
What is Omaha system?
It is associated with patrilineal descent ( mother’s brother and son are the same)
What is Sudanese system? (Descriptive system)
All kindships are distinguished, no duplication meaning everybody has a differ description.
What is age group?
An organized class of people based on age. Entry into or out of age grades accomplished individually by biological distinction and social status
What is age set
A group of people born in the same time period. (Male Maasai passing from warrior age(adult) into elder age set are marked through ritual and given new privileges
what is social stratification?
A system whereby members of a society are ranked higher/lower relative to other members. The degrees of stratification are measured by wealth, power and prestige
What is wealth according to Max Weber in measuring social inequality?
One has accumulated economic resources (economic status)
What is power according to Max Weber in measuring social inequality
Ability to achieve one’s goals and objectives even against the will of others ( political status)
What is prestige according to Max Weber in measuring social inequality
Social esteem, respect or admiration that a society confers on people (social status)
What is egalitarian society? (Tribes and bands)
Valued positions as persons capable of filling them. There are no differences on wealth, power and prestige but differences on sex and age
What is rank society? (Chiefdoms and monarchy)
Positions of prestige closed by birthright and anyone can achieve wealth and power- they are tasked with redistribution
What is stratified society? (Class and caste)
Differences in wealth, power,and prestige among all members of society. Associated with occupational specialization
The order of increase in populations
What is functionalist theory?
The inequality is needed to maintain complex society
what is conflict theory?
A power struggle takes place between the upper and lower levels of society.
What is a social class?
Class distinctions aren’t clear-cut in some societies, manifested in verbal evaluation, patterns of association and symbolic indicators.
what is ascribed status?
Status that people are born into it
What is achieved status?
The status that an individual earns
What is a closed class society?
It is a fixed position by birth.
No social mobility along wealth, power and prestige
Associated with extended family organization
What is open class societies?
There is social mobility along wealth, power and prestige.
Associated with independent nuclear families and neo-local residence
What is a political organization?
Means human group uses to maintain social order and reduce social disorder.
what are the four basic political systems?
1. Bands
2. Tribes
3. Chiefdoms
4. States
What is band organization?
A small group of related families in a region (hunters/gatherers). Not formal, centralized political system that has informal leadership
What is tribal organization?
A group of communities in a region share ing a common culture and integrated by a unifying factor. This organization has higher population density than bands (horticulturalists and pastoralists) that has informal leadership and pan-tribal(non kin based) councils that resolve disputes.
What is centralized political system?
Seen with population increases complex technology and where trad network and labour specialization produce goods. The political authority and power concentrated on one individual.
What is Chiefdom (centralized)?
A regional polity under a ruler from a ranked hierarchy of people. It is usually unstable because of the redistribution system( surpluses goes to the chief)
What is state system (centralized)?
Power centralized in a government that legalize the use of force. The tendency toward instability and transcience and usually multinational
What is nation?
Communities of people who see themselves as one-person, share a common culture and territorial base
What is bands and tribes? (Uncentralized)
No centralized authority and depends on gossip, criticism, and fear of supernatural forces
Chiefdoms and states (centralized)?
Authority with power to regulate peoples’ actions
What is internalized control—cultural control?
Control due to internalized beliefs and values.
Effective deterrents to antisocial behaviour.
Fear of deformity, disease, death, ghost/hell
Externalizer control—social control
Open coercion( power as a physical force)
What are sanctions?
Conformity to social norms
-formal sanctions (organized) = positive(rewards, awards) and negative (laws and rules)
-informal sanctions (diffuse)= positive( honourifics, tittles) and negative (gossip and ostracism)
What is social control through law?
The definition of law is contentious9 the use of coercion) and laws are formal negative sanctions
What are functions of law?
Defines relationship among society members and allocates the authority to use coercion in the enforcement of sanctions. The law also refines social relations and ensures social flexibility
What is crime?
The distinction between crime (against society) and civil (between individuals )
What are the settlement of disputes?
-Negotiation= between two
-Mediation= between two and a mediator
-Adjudication= independent judge decides
What is the mechanism of change?
The ultimate source of all change is innovation
What are the two types of innovations?
Primary innovations or inventions ( someone invent it)
Secondary innovations or deliberate applications (someone change a little from the primary innovations)
What is innovations?
The factors of adaptation
-innovations result from cultural values and knowledge
-innovations may be incorporated in a culture
-must overcome old ways of doing it to invent something new
What is diffusion?
The spread of customs/practices between cultures
-inventory diffusion
-borrowed elements
-undergo modification
-sometimes local traits get adapt
What is cultural loss?
The change due to disappearance of a cultural trait
What is acculturation (forced change)?
The major cultural changes forced through contact and merger/fusion
What is the future of humanity?
Culture is a mechanism by which people solve their problem of existence
Cultures are for and against people
Anthropologists help see how parts fit together into a larger whole( holistic)
One world culture
What is cultural pluralism?
More than one culture exists in society. Social and political interaction of people with different ways of living and thinking
What is ethnic resurgence?
The cultural diversity remains widespread and resistence to modernization may take the form of fundamentalist reaction
What is ethnocentrism?
The major barrier to adaption and spread of cultural pluralism
Persistent inequalities
Increased in structural violence and migration and refugees in Canada
What are the net result of Bolivia case study ?
-Hunger in villages die to re-development of crop fields lead to chronic food shortages
-Deformed coca past workers
-Increased venereal disease and AIDs
-Increased number of school dropouts= $$
-Increased drug addiction
this is all acculturation-forced change