Chapter 5 Flashcards
What is qualitative data?
It is the people’s words, actions, records, accounts obtained from participant observation
What is quantitative data?
It is the data that are counted and interpreted through statistical analysis
What is Emic approach?
Emic approach( insider view) seeks to describe another culture in terms of categories, concepts, and perceptions of the people being studied.
What is Etic approach?
Etic approach( outsider view) anthropologists use their own categories and concepts to describe the culture under analysis
What is holistic approach?
A distinguishing feature of the discipline of anthropology is its holistic approach to study human groups.
-Anth. Involves both biological and sociocultural aspects of humanity
-Time frame goes from the earliest beginning of humans to the present.
What are the data-gathering techniques?
- Participant-observation
-Census taking
-Mapping - Document analysis
-Collecting genealogies
What is participant observation?
It is a technique of learning a people’s culture through direct participation in their everyday life for an extended time.
What is unstructured interview?
The interviewer asks open-ended questions and allows interviewees to respond at their own pace and words.
What is structured interview?
The interviewer asks all informants the same questions, the same sequence and under the same of conditions.
What is ethnicity ( commonly used is ethnocultural)?
It is the belonging to, a group based on an element(s) of culture( language, shared history, ancestry…)
What is race?
Applied to biological similarity( skin colour) result of natural selection marking among differ population that encounter similar environment challenges.
What is pluralism>
People with different cultures living together in a mainstream
The newcomer integration with difference (Canada)
Newcomer integration without difference (USA)
What is Canada census?
-Visible minority=people who identify as non causian in race or non-white in colour
- Person can have multiple visible minority identifications based on parents
-This doesn’t apply to indigenous people as they were never newcomers.
What is nationalities?
Ethnic groups that once had, or want to regain autonomous political status and homeland