Final Exam Flashcards
Lack of hormone cytokinin and auxin
- leaf abscission (if not done properly wounds are left for bugs)
- increase in ethylene
formation of abscission
protective layer- seal off vascular tissue connecting petiole to stem (suberin and lignin)
sparation layer
- light affects CO gene (affects constans?)
- CO gene makes CO protein (transcription factor) which can travel in phloem
- CO protein activates another gene
- activates LFY or leafy
3 classes for flower identity genes
A- sepals A+B- petals B+C- stamen C- carpels (affected by LFY) (normal meristem to flower meristem)
- wind
- insects, birds, bats (vector)
orchids pollination
sac of pollen
-mimicry to attract wasps
red flower pollination
visually sensitized vectors
-birds not insects
carrion flower pollination
- attract flies (smells like rotting meat)
- UV absorbing pigments
pollen grain
extine- made of tough protein sporopollenin; can be in sedimentary layers (has carotenoids to protect against uv light-yellow)
intine- has cellulose
tube cell- directs the synthesis of the pollen tube
generative cell- makes 2 sperm nuclei (gametes)
dicot embryo development
- starts in zygote
- undergoes mitosis
- torpedo stage> heart stage
- form seed
- first leaves/ seed leaves
- absorb endosperm in dicots during seed development
scar on outside of seed where the ovule was attached
opening in ovule (remnants on seed surface)
monocot embryo development
single cotyledon made of endosperm
seed disemination
spread of seeds when it is ready again after dormancy
fleshy fruit seed spread
taste good so animals eat them and spread by poop
dry fruit seed spread
wind (samara)
animals (burs)
germination check systems (break dormancy)
- require to wash out seed coat inhibitors (rain)
- undergo scarification - physical means to soften or break seed coat (acid or sand)
- cold treatment or stratification (after ripening-have to be in period of cold to germinate)
- fire (jack pin with serotonous cones)
- light
using light to break dormancy
-need specific light (660); phytochrome is involved
dicot germination
- root
1. hook formed by root called hypocotyl
2. pushes cotyledons above soil; form cotyledonary leaves
3. cotyledons wither
5. first true leaves form
monocot germination
- covered by starch
1. shoot emerging from one end
2. coleoptile- enfolds developing leaves - seed never pushes above soil
seed breaking dormancy
- dry seed
- imbibe water by osmosis
- seed swells; enzyme rehydration
- stored carbon is broken down by starch
- metabolism
seed dormancy experiment
Professor Beal, MSU 1819
- seed viability in weeds
- buried 20 bottles with 20 species
- after 121 years half the moth mullein were germinating
classification of all living
- aristotle divided animals and plants
- carolus linnaeus came up with binomial nomenclature
- S kingdom system- whittaker
- biotechnology caused for 3 domains: Archae, Bacteria, Eukarya
S kingdom system
- fungi
- animalia
- monera
- plantae
- protista
live in extreme conditions; extremophiles thermophile- temp halophile- salt methanogens- no oxygen; produce methane acidiophiles- acid
Bacteria structure
-no nucleus but does have genetic material (bacterial chromosome)
-ribosome is only organelle (too small)
-cell wall; peptidoglycan
-reproduce using binary fission
(spherical, rod shaped, flagellum)
binary fission
replicate chromosome and splits
-no structures unlike mitosis
bacteria’s diverse metabolism
saprophytes- eat dead material
parasites- cause disease to host
symbiosis- mutual benefit with host (root nodules; rhizobium)
photosynthetic- anabaena
photosynthetic anabaena
- folded membranes with pigments chlorophyll a and phycocyanin
- specialized cells heterocyst for n-fixation
- have akinetic- thick wall
bubonic plague
yersina pesitus- bacteria
virus structure
-protein coat with nucleic acid inside (genetic material)
-no metabolism (infects host cell)
obligate parasite- needs host (tobacco mosaic virus)
influenza virus
- protein coat and spikes
- H or N spikes- changes every year
virus reproduction
-inject viral DNA
-bacterial ribosomes in protein synthesis make DNA
-burst host cell
(don’t treat with antibiotics bc no cell wall and can’t kill them)
-ebola, zika
fungi structure
- yeast and molds
- nucleus and organelles
- cell wall- chitin
fungi reproduction types
asexual- conidia
sexual- conidia, ascospores, basidiospores, zygospores
fungi sexual reproduction
- start with fungal filaments (1N)
- grow knobs- gametangia
- make zygospore (2N)
- zygospore germinates like seed- makes sporangium
- meiosis to produce spores (1N)
- spores are released filled with filaments
fungi asexual reproduction
1N sporangium makes 1N spores
-globe shape
- created in long sac called ascis
- 8 ascospores
- filaments grow together to create them
- basidium- club like
- 4 basidiospores
- gilled mushrooms lined with basidiospores (gills and stipe)
- dikaryotic (N+N)- 2 haploid nuclei in same cell to produce the mushroom (unique to fungi)
- gills and pores
types of fungi
saprophytic- penicillium, makes penicillin
parasitic- not photosynthetic; claviceps purperea caused ergot on rye
symbiotic- lichens: green algae(photosynthesis) and fungus
fungus that infects root but doesn’t hurt it
-symbiotic relationship with trees so they absorb more nutrients
protisita, fungie, plantae, animalia
animal like- amoeba
fungus like- slime and water molds (have cellulose; no chitin)
plant like- algae (photosynthetic)
slime and water molds
slime molds- saprophyte; interact with fish
water mold- hydrophilic; plant disease called late blight of potato (pytopthera infestans)
green: chlorophyll A+B
chlamedemonas-green and unicellular
volvox- colonial
- golden brown
- not motile; no flagella
- Chlorophyll A+C
- delicate silica walls
brown algae
- fucus, seaweed, kelp
- fuco. xanthrin
- stored carbohydrate alginic acid- emulsified (makes ice-cream)
- chlorophyll a and c
red algae
- chlorophyll a and d
- stored carbohydrate caragreenan- thicker, yogurt
- agar
dinoflagellates (plankton)
- 2 flagella
- orange- carotinoids
- red tide- produce toxins that can kill fish
- bioluminescent- chemical luciferin and enzyme luciferase (atp and O2)
microcystis- liver toxin
chromatic adaptation
brown- deep
green- middle
red- shallow; blue has most energy (green algae)
layering of plants to get more light
-lianas and epiphytes (orchids, bromeliads, philodendron)
competition with insects
produce secondary metabolites
- alkaloid quite from bark (treats malaria)
- avare- poisonous