Final Exam Flashcards
What are the phases of production?
1) cow/calf
2) Stocker/backgrounding
3) Feedlot
Describe the cow/calf phase
Breeding, calving, suckling calf to 6-10 months (500lbs)
Location: Dry lots and pasture
Primary Feedstuffs: preserved forages, pasture
Describe the stocker and backgrounding phase.
Growing for 2-6 months (500 to 1000 lbs)
Location: Pasture
Primary Feedstuffs: Pasture
Describe the Feedlot phase
Finishing for 4-5 months
Location: Dry lots
Primary Feedstuffs: preserved forages + grains
What are the impacts on cow/calf nutrient requirements?
1) intake
2) nutrient digestibility and composition (GE to NE)
3) maintenance
4) production
What are the variables of maintenance
-mature body weight
-physical activity
-temperature regulation
-body condition score
What are the variables for production
-Growth (heifer vs. mature)
-Gestation (open vs. gestating)
-Lactation (dry vs. lactating)
What are the 4 sub stages of cow calf nutrition
1) calving to breeding
2) breeding to weaning
3) mid gestation
4) pre-calving
Describe the calving to breeding sub stages
-highest nutrient requirement
-90 days
-NE(m) + high NE(L)
Describe the sub stage breeding to weaning
-150 days
-NE(m) + decrease NE(L) + increase NE(g)
Describe the sub stage mid-gestation
90 days
NE(m) + 2x increase NE(g)
Describe the sub stage pre-calving
90 days
NE(m) + 3x increase NE(g)
Effects of poor nutrition on cows and calf
Cow: dystocia, delayed return to estrus, and poor subsequent conception
Calf: poor survival rate, low milk available/WW, and muscle/fat deposition
What are the roles of the stocker/backgrounding phase
-intermediary between cow/calf, feedlot
-“straighten out”
-Add value (maximizing ADG to increase wt. in backgrounding, and use low cost forage to max. Margin over feed costs in stocker)
Describe “straightening out”
-group into market groups of age and type
-manage stress to stabilize health (milk to solid feedstuffs, co-mingling, transport, processing and vaccination)
Describe stocker vs. backgrounding
Stocker: transition weaned calves to thin stocker calves to improve the value of lower quality feedstuffs/forages
Backgrounding: Transition weaned calves to fattened feeder calves ready for high-energy diets
What is limit feeding
Involves replacement of a lower energy diet fed free choice with a higher energy diet fed in smaller amounts.
Requires close control of the amount of feed delivered to bunk daily.
Why choose limit feeding over ad-lib feeding?
Can substantially improve conversion efficiency relative to ad lib feeding.
Effects of poor nutrition on stocker/background cattle
Reduced cattle margin
Lower rate of gain
Lower value of added grain
Purchasing/marketing issues
What’s is different in feedlot nutrition
Maximize ADG shifts to IM far deposition
How can you transition feedlot cattle from high roughage to high concentrate diets
-initially restrict intake of high concentrate, high energy diet and gradually increase amounts fed until desired diet composition achieved (not ideal method)
-gradually replace high roughage diet with diet of progressively greater grain content until desirable diet composition achieved (preferred method)
What diet types does feed intake regulation depend on?
High forage: rumen capacity (DMI)
High grain: chemostatic mechanism (energy level)
What is the limit feeding approach
Intake of a single high concentrate diet is gradually increased over a period of 2-3 weeks
What is the step up approach
Concentrates incrementally replace roughage over a period of 3 weeks using 4-5 different diets
What is the two-ration approach
Uses 2 diets
Required multiple feedings each day
Feedlot regimen for 3 daily feedings
-starter diet fed meals 1 2 and 3, repeat x7 days
-starter fed meals 1 and 2, finisher fed meal 3, repeat x 7 days
-starter fed mea 1, finisher fed meal 2and3, repeat x7 days
-finisher fed meals 1 2 3 starting day 22. Cont. until slaughter
Effectively creates “steps”
-60, 71, 82, and 93% concentrate
Feedlot nutrient requirements
Energy intake
Minerals and vitamins
Why is energy intake important
Dictates rate of growth and efficiency