Final Exam Flashcards
why Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) is needed to examine differences between multiple groups of means
To reduce the family-wise error rate
This suggests the Null Hypotheses is true when it is not
Understand the philosophy underlying ANOVA
Can help to compare multiple treatments and measure effect size
Including terminology such as between-subjects and familywise error rate
Between-Subjects = diferent groups exposed to the same IV
Family-Wise = Assuming Null is true when it is not, known as Type 1 Error
Know the assumptions that underpin ANOVA
- Normality
- Histograms & Q-Q Plots & graphs
- Skewness & Kurtosis
- Homogeneity of Variance
Be able to interpret post-hoc testing in SPSS
- Bonneferoni
- Priori tests
- Calculate effect size
- Try to answer questions comparing two dependent variables
- Is there a significant differenct between two mean variables
- independent samples test
e.g. rehydration vs carbohydrates
or any combination of rehydration, carbohydrates, physio or combination
Problem with multiple comparisons (t-tests)
- Error rate per comparison increases Type 1 Error
- Or rejecting the null hypothesis when it is true
- Familywise error rate:
- Probability of making more Type 1 errors
Familywise Error Rate
The probability of making one or more Type 1 errors in a set of comparisons
Type 1 error
- Rejecting the null hypothesis when it is true
- Or we say something significant is happening but actually the null happening is true.
Alpha Value
= 0.05
* An acceptable level of error
* There is a 5% chance you have calculated a Type 1 error
* Connected to p value
* probability of finding a 5% magnitude difference if null is true
Analysis of Variance
- Statistical procedure in psychology
- guards against familywise error
- Can analyse differences between more that one mean
- t-tests only does two
One way Between-Groups ANOVA
- Will tell you if there are significant differences in DV means across 3 or more groups
*** Invented by Sir Ronald Fisher - F Statistic**
- Post-hoc tests can be used to find where the differences are
When to use One-Way Between-Groups ANOVA
- 1 Dependent variable is continuous
- 1 Independent variable has three or more levels
- Different participants in each level of the IV
e.g. different football players in different groups
Dependent variable is continuous
A variable with many possible values.
Benefits of Between Groups Anova
Its possible to reduce the practice effect
Its possible to reduce the carry over effect.
e.g. physio could have carry over effects or other DVs could produce results when subjects practice doing the same test
Advantages of ANOVA
Can be used in wide range of experimental design
* Independent groups
* Repeated Measures
* Matched Samples
* Designs involving mixtures of independent groups and repeated measures
* More than on IV can be evaluated at once
Independent Groups Design
Between-Groups Design
Repeated Measures
Within Groups Design
Same people in each level of the IV
e.g. Each person does physio, carbs and rehydrate
Matched Samples
- Control for confounding variables
- Matching people to outcomes that might be important
e.g. age and experience could influence recovery time from sport activities, so match fit people and older people for true results
Mixed Design ANOVA
- Involves mixed IV Groups
- Involves Repeated Measure samples
- VCombination of a between-unit ANOVA and a within-unit ANOVA
- Requires a minimum of two IVs called factors
- At least one variables has to vary between-units and at least one of them has to vary within-units
Adjusted Factorial ANOVA
- More than one IV evaluated at a time
- Much more sophisticated
e.g. measuring recovery time and heart rate at the same time
4 Assumptions of Between-Groups ANOVA
- DV must be continuous
- Independence: each participant must not influence the other
- Normality: Each group of scores should have normal distribution (No Outliers?)
- Homogeneity of Variance: approximatley equal variablity in each group
How to Check for Normality
- Kolmogorov-Smirnov/Shapiro-Wilds: p > 0.05
- Skewness & Kurtosis
- Histograms
- Detrended Q-Q Plots
- Normal QQ Plots
- Shapiro-Wilks: Small samples
- Kolmogorov-Smirnov: larger samples
- p > 0.05
- Significant results require transformation
- We want there to be little difference - less than 0.05
Skewness & Kurtosis
- if the z score of the statistic is < ±1.96 then it is normal
- z score = Statistic/Std Error
- Follows the Bell Curve
- Similar a bar graph
- Condenses data into a simple visua
- Takes data points and groups them into logical ranges
Detrended Q-Q Plots
- Horizontal line representing what would be expected if the data were normally distributed.
- Demonstrated by equal amounts of dots above & below the line
Normal Q-Q Plots
- Plots data against expected normal distribution
- Normality is demonstrated by dots hugging the line.
Null Hypothesis
- Nothing to see here.
- no significant difference between the averages
- Any deviation in our sample is due to sampling error or chance.
Alternative Hypothesis - (H1
): At least one of the means is different from the rest.
Testing The Assumptions
- Convert Skewness and Kurtosis into z scores and < +-1.96
- Std Error should be < +-1.96
- Confidence Levels accuracy give or take upper and lower %
Standard Error
should be < +-1.96
5% trimmed mean
- Not so important for ANOVA or t-test
- Removes oultiers
- If 5% trimmed mean is different to mean then data has lots of inflential scores or outliers
- A better reflection of the average if the data is not normal
- if same as mean and 5% mean indicates modal distribution or single hump
- If different then could indicate multi modal distribution
Uni Modal Distribution
When mean, 5% trimmed mean and median are the same number
- Give indication of variability in scores
- Measure of the spread, or dispersion, of scores
- Small variance indicates simmilarity of scores
- Large variance indicate larger spread across the means
- Used to measure Standard Deviation
Standard Deviation
- Measure of variability when we report our mean
- Gives indication of distrubution of scores in each group
- Use this in our APA Write up