Final Exam Flashcards
Quiz 1
About 45% of all criminal cases are plea bargained
Quiz 1
Facts and Circumstances that would lead a reasonable person to believe a crime has been or is about to be committed describes what?
Probable Cause
Quiz 1
The constitutional standard to search or arrest is: (two words)
Probable Cause
Quiz 1
The 4th Amendment says “The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers and ? (one word, plural)
Quiz 1
According to the video, how does Judge Cicconetti’s repeat offense rate compare to the national average?
10% to 75%
Quiz 1
The burden of proof in a civil trial is?
Preponderance of evidence
Quiz 1
In the What is Justice Video, the eye for an eye concept referred to:
Retributive Justice
Quiz 1
Match the amendment in the Bill of Rights to it’s description
Right to freedoms of religion and speech; right to assemble and to petition the government for redress of grievances
Quiz 1
Match the amendment in the Bill of Rights to it’s description
Right to and bear arms to maintain a well-regulated militia
Quiz 1
Match the amendment in the Bill of Rights to it’s description
Right not to house soldiers during time of war
Quiz 1
Match the amendment in the Bill of Rights to it’s description
Right to be secure from unreasonable search and seizure
Quiz 1
Match the amendment in the Bill of Rights to it’s description
Rights in criminal cases, including due process and indictment by grand jury for capital crimes, as well as the right not to testify
Quiz 1
Match the amendment in the Bill of Rights to it’s description
Right to a speedy trial by an impartial jury
Quiz 1
Match the amendment in the Bill of Rights to it’s description
Right to a jury trial in civil cases
Quiz 1
Match the amendment in the Bill of Rights to it’s description
Right not to face excessive bail or fines, or cruel and unusual punishment
Quiz 1
Match the amendment in the Bill of Rights to it’s description
Rights retained by the people, even if they are not specifically enumerated by the Constitution
Quiz 1
Match the amendment in the Bill of Rights to it’s description
States’ rights to powers not specifically delegated to the federal government
Quiz 1
More laws = More ? (one word, plural, spelling counts)
Quiz 1
Matching the category of civil damages to its’ function
actual damages
Designed to make one whole again
Quiz 1
Matching the category of civil damages to its’ function
compensatory damages
Designed to compensate for the future
Quiz 1
Matching the category of civil damages to its’ function
punitive damages
Designed to punish or send a message
Quiz 1
The latin term for “guilty mind” is?
Mens rea
Quiz 1
What crime is usually associated with a consent defense?
Sexual assault
Quiz 1
A false spoken statement is referred to as libel
Quiz 1
ESP + T stands for economics, sociology, politics & technology
Quiz 1
The United States has three levels of criminal justice: local, state & federal
Quiz 1
In a criminal case, the person making the complaint is referred to as the? (one word and spelling counts)
Quiz 1
The primary purpose of tort law is to _________ the plaintiff? (one word, spelling counts)
Quiz 1
Laws are not designed to promote moral beliefs
Quiz 1
According to UCR chart in the chapter, which violent crime is committed the most nationwide?
aggravated assault
Quiz 1
Which of the following is one of the crime typologies discussed in class?
All of the choices mentioned
Cyber crime
Firearms crime
White collar crime
Quiz 1
The two main sources of criminal justice data are?
Quiz 1
The three ways the UCR most commonly expresses data are:
Raw figures, percentage changes, crimes per 100,000
Quiz 1
According to statistics in chapter 2, which of the following motivates most hate crimes?
Quiz 1
Elderly people are more likely to become victims of crime than younger people because they are more vulnerable
Quiz 1
According to the video on school shootings in Chapter 2, most shooters are affected by?
mental illness
Quiz 1
The most reliable way to measure crime is by using raw figures
Quiz 1
Since the early 1990’s, the crime rate in America has?
Steadily dropped
Quiz 2
Performing a lawful act in an improper manner is referred to as:
Quiz 2
According to the video about Tennessee vs Garner in Chapter 6, the original incident that sparked the event was a reported?
Quiz 2
Three due process areas most relevant to policing are:
Search & Seizure, Arrest, Interrogation
Quiz 2
Jerome Skolnick concluded there were three main police personality aspects: danger, isolation & authority
Quiz 2
Match the three styles of policing according to James Q. Wilson with their description.
Watchman Style
Most interested in order maintenance / keeping the peace / informal
Quiz 2
Match the three styles of policing according to James Q. Wilson with their description.
Legalistic Style
Most interested in “going by the book” / enforce all laws / formal
Quiz 2
Match the three styles of policing according to James Q. Wilson with their description.
Service Style
Most interested in solving problems / works with the public / informal
Quiz 2
Based on the video in Chapter 6, what police characteristic is one of the main influences on the Blue Wall?
Quiz 2
A public official performing a wrongful or criminal act is referred to as:
Quiz 2
The Rotten Barrel theory asserts that corrupt police officers are the product of the working environment within their agency which would require an examination of the entire police department.
Quiz 2
Match the ways to fight police corruption with their source
Ways to keep out the bad apples
More comprehensive background checks
Regularly scheduled in-service training
Allocating resources to enhance professionalism
Quiz 2
Match the ways to fight police corruption with their source
Ways to clean the rotten barrel
Create civilian review boards to hear complaints about police officers
Implement fair procedures and processes for promotions based on qualifications
Work towards national accreditation
Quiz 2
According to the video in Chapter 6, what are the two categories of police corruption? (choose 2)
Economic corruption
Abuse of authority
Quiz 2
Based on the video in Chapter 4, what was one nickname was given to the first police officers in London? (spelling counts, singular or plural)
bobbies bobby Peelers New Police Peeler
Quiz 2
The Metropolitan Police Act written by Sir Robert Peel called for an organized police force guided by?
military principles
Quiz 2
What modern day drug would compare to gin as contributing to a rising crime rate as it did back in London in the 1700s?
crack cocaine
Quiz 2
75% of all police departments have 75 or more sworn officers.
Quiz 2
Main problems with early policing included: (choose all answers you think are correct)
All of the choices
Low pay
None of the choices
Quiz 2
The personnel in the watch and ward system that Henry Fielding organized in 1748 were referred to as the:
Bow Street Runners
Quiz 2
Under the mutual pledge system, every man was responsible for the conduct of every other man
Quiz 2
Based on the video about history of British police, the reason many of the first, original police were dismissed was because of:
Being drunk on duty
Quiz 2
During the period of the mutual pledge system, towns and villages were organized into family groups consisting of ten families which were referred to as:
Quiz 2
The term “shire reeve” from the middle ages in England has morphed into what term that we use today?
Quiz 2
The Exclusionary rule prevents (excludes) evidence that is unlawfully obtained from be admitted and used in a court of law.
Quiz 2
The two elements required for Miranda warnings are: 1. Custodial & 2. Interrogation
Quiz 2
One purpose behind the exclusionary rule is that integrity of the judicial system requires that the courts not be made party to lawless invasions of the constitutional rights of citizens.
Quiz 2
A patting down of the outer clothing of a suspect based upon reasonable suspicion, designed to protect a police officer and/or citizens from an attack with a weapon or a dangerous instrument while questioning that suspect is known as a:
Quiz 2
The legal standard for a frisk is:
Reasonable suspicion
Quiz 2
A legal term that refers to a police officer’s suspicion that a person has recently committed a crime, is in the process of committing a crime, or is soon going to commit a crime is?
Reasonable suspicion
Quiz 2
The following describes the elements of what legal doctrine about seizures? (two words and spelling counts)
- The officer must be legally on the premises or at the place from which the item is plainly viewed.
- The incriminating nature of the item seized must be immediately apparent.
- The officer must have a lawful right of access to the object itself.
Plain View
Quiz 2
“Facts and circumstances that would lead a reasonable person to believe that a crime has been or is about to be committed” is our definition of?
(two words and spelling counts)
Probable cause
Quiz 2
Match the name of the landmark case to its subject matter
Miranda vs Arizona
5th amendment & right to remain silent
Quiz 2
Match the name of the landmark case to its subject matter
Mapp vs Ohio
4th amendment & exclusionary rule (states)
Quiz 2
Match the name of the landmark case to its subject matter
Weeks vs United States
4th amendment & exclusionary rule (feds)
Quiz 2
Match the name of the landmark case to its subject matter
Terry vs Ohio
4th amendment & stop / frisk
Quiz 2
Match the name of the landmark case to its subject matter
Gideon vs Wainwright
6th amendment & right to an attorney
Quiz 2
Based on the video in chapter 5, which of the following is an exception for requiring Miranda warnings?
Public safety concern
Quiz 3
According to the text, 25-45% of criminal cases are handled with a plea bargain
Quiz 3
The term used for when the U.S. Supreme Court hears a case is: (two words)
Judicial review
Quiz 3
There are two types of pleas discussed in class: guilty & not guilty
Quiz 3
The process of a negotiation involving the defendant, prosecutor and defense counsel who are in an agreement where the defendant pleas guilty, usually to a reduced charge, in exchange for a reduced punishment is referred to as? (two words and spelling counts)
plea bargain
Quiz 3
According to the video in Chapter 7, trial level federal courts are known referred to as?
United States District Courts
Quiz 3
R.O.R. stands for what? (three words and spelling counts)
release on recognizance
Quiz 3
According to the video in Chapter 7, what is the main reason for the initial shift for the courts to use plea bargains?
Courts were unable to process all of the cases
Quiz 3
Based on the video about the difference between state and federal courts, how many more cases do state courts handle than federal courts?
Quiz 3
There are two levels of federal court jurisdiction: The U.S. Court of Appeals & the U.S. Supreme Court
Quiz 3
According to the above video, which of the following is a requirement to be on the Supreme Court of the United States?
Be nominated by the President of the United States
Quiz 3
Which of the following would prevent someone from being found factually guilty?
An alibi
Quiz 3
Evidence that is able to prove a fact without requiring the judge or jury to draw inferences is called: (two words)
Direct evidence
Quiz 3
What is the process that is designed to limit jurors exposure to the media to avoid influencing their objectivity. It is also used to protect jurors from exposure to bribes, threats or undue persuasion. Juries that are in this process are usually housed in a hotel for the length of the trial and their access to news media is closely monitored.
(one word, singular, spelling counts)
Quiz 3
The system of justice in the United States is built around a model of advocacy for both sides being represented (prosecution vs defense). What is another term for this model? (two words, singular, spelling counts)
Adversarial system
Quiz 3
The term used to describe the worth of evidence that proves or disproves something is referred to as: (two words)
Probative value
Quiz 3
R.O.R. stands for (three words)
Release on recognizance
Quiz 3
According to the video in Chapter 9 on closing arguments, one of the most important things to demonstrate to the jury during closing arguments is?
Quiz 3
Which defendant had their case determined by circumstantial evidence?
Scott Peterson
Quiz 3
Evidence that is indirect and requires a judge or a jury to make inferences and draw conclusions is referred to as: (two words)
circumstantial evidence
Quiz 3
According to the video in Chapter 9 about the courtroom setup, witnesses are usually allowed to watch the courtroom proceedings.
Quiz 3
Prosecuting attorneys are also known as:
All of the other choices
District attorneys
State’s attorneys
Commonwealth attorneys
County attorneys
Quiz 3
Which of the following is NOT one of the things the bailiff does?
prepared the jury pool
Quiz 3
According to the video in Chapter 8, the criminal incident that evolved into the Central Park Five case was about?
Sexual assault
Quiz 3
According to the video about jury service, the average trial lasts:
1-2 days
Quiz 3
Which of the following is NOT one of the main participants in the courtroom workgroup?
Quiz 3
According to the video in Chapter 8 on indigent defense, what percentage of people using a public defender plead guilty?
Quiz 3
Match the court position to their task
Rules on issues of law
Quiz 3
Match the court position to their task
Secure the witnesses
Quiz 3
Match the court position to their task
Subpoenas witnesses
Quiz 3
Match the court position to their task
Defense attorney
Challenges the strength of the prosecutions case
Quiz 3
Match the court position to their task
Chooses what information to disclose
Quiz 3
According to the video about jury service, the average trial lasts:
1-2 days
Quiz 3
According to the video about Clarence Earl Gideon, what amendment, besides the 6th, was expanded as a result of his case?
Quiz 3
According to the video about the power of the prosecutor in Chapter 8, at what point in history did plea bargaining appear in courtrooms?
After the Civil War
Quiz 4
The type of deterrence that is focused towards preventing crimes in the future by criminal offenders is referred to as? (one word, singular, spelling counts?
Quiz 4
A sentencing strategy where multiple sentences are served at the same time or all at once is referred to as consecutive sentencing
Quiz 4
There are two types of deterrence: general and specific
Quiz 4
PSI stands for pre-sentence investigation
Quiz 4
There are three concerns with truth-in-sentencing laws and the federal government’s push to have them implemented:
- The cost
- The extension of these sentencing provisions to non-violent crimes
- Federal involvement in the states’ rights to set sentences.
Quiz 4
According to the video in Chapter 10 on Restorative Justice, restorative justice is, first and foremost, about?
Needs of those hurt
Quiz 4
According to the Rehabilitation versus Punishment video in Chapter 10, what is one of the biggest concerns / problems regarding people being released from prison? (one word and spelling counts)
Quiz 4
According to the video in Chapter 10 about Restorative Justice, what percentage of people convicted of violent crimes will be arrested again?
Quiz 4
Current laws that prohibit anyone from willfully following and/or harassing another and making a threat against that person with the intent of causing the victim to fear for his/her safety refer to? (one word and spelling counts)
Quiz 4
Name the term that means crimes that are similar should be punished at the same level of severity and should exclude any personal or social characteristics of the offender. (one word, spelling counts)
Quiz 4
Based on the video about women in jail, what percentage of them are mothers?
Quiz 4
The name of the program mentioned in the video that was designed for helping elderly inmates is the ?
Gold Coats Program
Quiz 4
There are three types of prison management models outlined in Chapter 11: 1. Participation Model 2. Control Model 3. Industry Model
Quiz 4
Referencing the video about the Supermax facility in Colorado, match the name of the inmate at the SuperMax to their criminal association
Larry Hoover
Gangster Disciples
Tyler Bingham
Aryan Brotherhood
Faisal Shahzad
2010 Times Square Car Bombing
Zacarias Moussaoui
9/11 Attacks
Ramsi Yousef
1993 World Trade Center Bombing
Ted Kaczynski
Quiz 4
Eastern State Penitentiary is located in what city?
Quiz 4
Based on the video about women in jail, since the 1970s the number of women in jail has multiplied?
14 times
Quiz 4
According to the opinion in the Supermax video in Chapter 11, what will reduce the illegal drug problem in the United States?
Addressing drug use in America
Quiz 4
According to the video in Chapter 11, who was one of the more infamous criminals to have a stay at Eastern State Penitentiary?
Al Capone
Quiz 4
Out of the four categories of prison operations listed in Chapter 11, which one requires the most resources?
Quiz 4
Prisons are found at both the state and federal level for violations of their respective criminal statutes.
Quiz 4
According to the video on women in prison, women get more visitors than men.
Quiz 4
According to the text, a group of inmates who have created a family-type structure, with the goal of providing support, both emotionally and economically, as well as protection, to each other is referred to as? (two words, singular, spelling counts)
Quiz 4
There are two main social structures in prison: 1/ Official/Formal & 2. Unofficial/Informal
Quiz 4
The following elements describe what according to the text? (two words, singular, spelling counts)
- Don’t interfere with the interests of other inmates
- Never “rat” on other inmates.
- Mind your own business.
- Don’t complain or whine
- Don’t exploit other inmates.
- Don’t trust prison guards or staff.
Inmate code
Quiz 4
The beliefs, customs, values, lifestyles and attitudes of inmates within a particular prison is referred to as? (two words, singular, spelling counts)
Inmate subculture
Quiz 4
The process where new inmates learn and absorb the customs and beliefs of the prison subculture and learn how to adapt to life in prison is referred to as? (one word and spelling counts)
Quiz 4
The common slang term for new inmates in prison is? (one word and spelling counts)
Quiz 4
Match the prison slang term with it’s meaning according to the text
All Day
Life Sentence
Back door parole
to die in prison
corrections officers
contraband note
disciplinary report
solitary confinement
Quiz 4
Which of the following is NOT part of the inmate code?
Do things to improve yourself
Quiz 4
According to the video in Chapter 12 on Myths About Women in Prison, most women who are incarcerated went through a full trial process
Quiz 5
What type of case involve juveniles who have committed actions that would be considered criminal if they were adults?
Delinquency case
Quiz 5
Based on New Jersey v TLO, the threshold for searches on school property is?
Reasonable suspicion
Quiz 5
New Jersey vs T.L.O. was a juvenile case about what?
school locker searches
Quiz 5
The Latin phrase meaning the government or the state is the protector of people who cannot protect themselves is: (two words, spelling counts)
parens patriae
Quiz 5
In New Jersey v TLO, the argument at the heart of the case was freedom versus order.
Quiz 5
The main purpose of farms at industrial schools for juveniles was to:
Feed juveniles at the school
Quiz 5
Police have no options and no discretion when dealing with juveniles.
Quiz 5
According to the text, today, juveniles and adults who are incarcerated can still be kept together in the same facilities.
Quiz 5
The “Stubborn Child Law” from the 1600s originated in:
Quiz 5
According to the video about the Kids for Cash scheme, one of the juveniles mentioned, Charlie Balasavage, was originally charged with?
Receiving stolen property
Quiz 5
According to the video in Chapter 15 of the drone with the gun attached, this occurred in:
Clinton, CT
Quiz 5
According to the video in Chapter 15, The First Step Act was geared towards what type of convicted offenders?
Non violent drug offenders
Quiz 5
According to the video in Chapter 15, what percentage of wrongful convictions in Louisiana were due to bad lawyering?
Quiz 5
According to the video on sentencing reform, what is the ratio of percentage of world population to percentage of incarcerated people?
Quiz 5
According to the video in Chapter 15 on human trafficking, there are three problems connected to human trafficking:
- Lack of police investigation
- Lack of prosecutions
- Communities that do not prioritize human trafficking
Quiz 5
According to the video on wrongful convictions, which state has the highest incarceration rate?
Quiz 5
According to the video on sentencing reform, one of the biggest drivers of the crime rate is?
The economy
Quiz 5
Illegally transporting people, against their will, usually from one country to another, for the purpose of sexual exploitation or forcing them into labor is referred to as:
Human Trafficking
Quiz 5
According to the video on the militarization of the police, MRAP stands for:
Mine Resistant Ambush Protected
Quiz 5
According to the video on sentencing reform, the violent crime rate tripled between?
Quiz 5
A criminal sentence of court supervision in the community of a convicted offender that is over-seen by a probation office is known as: (one word, spelling counts)
Quiz 5
According to the text, which amendments in the Bill of Rights could be of concern with the use of day fines in the United States?
8th & 14th
Quiz 5
According to the video on FDC community corrections, the primary role of probation officers is to:
Ensure compliance of probationers
Quiz 5
Match the probation condition with it’s goal
Designed to control behavior
Staying within one’s jurisdiction/ surrendering a passport
Not permitted to possess weapons
Not permitted to associate with known felons
Quiz 5
Match the probation condition with it’s goal
Designed to change behavior
Paying back the victim (restitution)
Completing community service
Employment / education requirements
Quiz 5
Which amendments in the Bill of Rights could be of concern with the use of day fines in the United States?
8th & 14th
Quiz 5
Which of the following is NOT one of the conditions designed to control behavior?
Paying fines & fees
Quiz 5
According to the video on probation in Chapter 14, it is usually assigned in cases involving?
misdemeanors and non violent first time offenders
Quiz 5
A term of supervised, conditional release from incarceration under correctional supervision is referred to as: (one word, spelling counts)
Quiz 5
According to the text, probation, financial penalties, home confinement with electronic monitoring, and intensive supervision are all examples of?
alternatives to incarceration
Quiz 5
When an offender is released from incarceration prior to the expiration of their original term under the condition of maintaining lawful behavior for a specified period of time under the supervision of a parole officer, this is referred to as? (one word, spelling counts)