Final exam 101-200 Flashcards
The type of membrane that lines a body cavity that does not open to the exterior is a
serious membrane
The serious membrane lining the abdominal cavity and covering abdominal organs is call
________conduct nerve impulses away from thd cell bodies or neurons
The type of cell in areolar connective tissue that produces histamine and heparin is the
mast cell
The type of tissue whose matrix normally contains large amounts of calcium salts is
osseous (bone) Tissue
The surface area of the apical surface of the epithelilal cell membranes is increased by the presence of
Goblet cell produce
The “gristle” covering the ends of the bones at joints is _____ cartilage
Intervertebral disc and the menisci of the knee are made of
Electrical or chemical signals can pass from cell to cell via connections known as
gap junctions
The type of epithelium in which the cells may or may not reach the surface, and whose nuclei may lie at different levels giving the appearance of multiple layers is.
pseudostratified epithilium
Keratin may be present in ______ epithelium
simple epithelium
Glands in which secretory cells die as their product is discharged are
The immature cells of each major type of connective tissue have names that end in the suffix
The fibers of the connective tissue matrix are embedded in the amorphous
ground substance
The reticular connective tissue that forms the supporting framework for many soft organs is know as the
The basic unit of compact bone is
A type of tissue that is described as being striated and voluntary is
skeletal muscle tissue
Propulsion of food through the gastrointestinal tract and contraction of the urinary bladder are functions of
smooth muscle tissue
Cells that are the sturctural and functional units of the nervous system are called
Individuals who do not get enough exposure to sunlight or who do not consume enough fortified milk may develop a deficiency of vitamin
The red-brown black pigment in skin that absorbs UV light is
Most people who have albinism possess melanocytes, but lack the enzyme
The deeper region of the dermis is the
reticular region
sweat gland found primarily in the skin of the axillae, pubic region, and areolae of the nipples are called
apocrine sweat glands
The most prevalent life threatening cancer among young women is
malignant melanoma
The single layer of continually reproducing cells in the epidermis is called
stratum basale
The most superficial layer of cells in the epidermis is called
stratum cornea
The protein the the outer layer of the epidermis that provides protection against mechanical injury, bacterial invasion and dehydration is
The region of the skin that is just deep to the stratum basale of the epidermis and that contains loops of capillaries is the
papillary region of the dermis
The reticular region of the dermis is attacHed to the underlying organs by the
Subcutaneous layer (hypodermis)
The subcutaneous layer contains pressure sensitive nerve endings known as
lamellated (pacinian) corpuscles
Inability to synthesize the enzyme tyrosinase results in a condition known as
A yellow appearance of skin in the whites of the eyes due to a build up of biliruben is called
Redness of the skin due to increased blood flow is called
Epidermal ridges conform to the contours of the underlying
dermal papillae
Hair, nails, and skin glands develop from
The adult pattern hair growth is determined by
sex hormones (androgen and estrogen)
Mammary glands are ceruminous glands are modified
sudoriferous glands
Blackheads develop from chemical oxidation of accumulated
The secretion from skin that plays a small role in the elimination of wastes is
The characteristic of epidermal cells that cause them to stop migrating during would healing once they are touch other epidermal cells on tall sides is called
contact inhibition
The process of scar tissue formation is called
When body temperature begins to fall, to prevent further heat loss vessels in the skin will
In the negative feedback loop in which the intergumentary system helps regulate body temperature, the effectors are the _____ and the ______
sudoriferous glands; blood vessles
Cells in the epidermis that work with a helper T cells to provide immunity are the
laugerhan cells
formation of a blood clot, vasodilation of blood vessels, and increased permeability of blood vessels for deliver of phagocytes and mesenchyme is characteristic of the ______phase of deep would healing
Filling of a wound with granulation tissue is a characteristic of the_______ phase if healing a wound.
The more common type of sweat gland is the
eccrine sweat gland
The type of tissue that forms the epidermis is
statified squamous epithelium
The study of bone structure and treatment of bone disorders is known as
The inner layer of the periostium is called the _____layer
The membrane that lines the medullary cavity of the long bone is called the
Mature bone cells that are completly surrounded by matrix are called
Bones that are less brittle than other calcium based products, such as oyster shells and egg shells, because they contain more of the protein ______
The channels in osteons that connect the lacunae with central canals are called
Areas between osteons are filled with ______lamellae
In intramembranious ossification, the highly vascularized mesenchyme on the outside of the new bone develops into the_______
Yellow bone marrow primarily of
adipose tissue
The part of a long bone that is not covered by periosteum is covered by
articular cartilage
Cells whose primary function is bone resorption are the
About 50% of bone matrix consist of
mineral salts
The external layer of all bones and the bulk of the diaphyses of the long bones is made up of_____
Blood vessels run longitudinally through compact bone in
central canal
Thin plates of bone in spongy bone are called
The artery to the diaphyisis of a long bone is called the ____artery
The flat bones of the skull form by _____ ossification
in endochondral ossification, the embryonic pattern for the bone is made up of
hyline cartilage
Cells responsible for cartilage formation are called
During endochondral ossification of the long bone, the primary ossification center forms in the
A long bone increases in length due to the activity of the cartilage cells at the
human growth hormone is produced by the
anterior pituitary gland
Bone constantly remodels and redistributes matrix along lines of
mechanical stress
Hormones that are produced locally by bone and also by the liver that stimulate the uptake of amino acids and promote protein synthesis are
insulin like growth factors
levels of calcium ion in the blood are increased by the effects of hormone
parathyroid hormone
the blood clot that forms in and around the site of a bone fracture is call a
fracture hematoma
A fracture in which the bone has splintered at the site of impact, leaving smaller fragments between the two main fragments is called
In the negative feedback loop that controls the release of parathyroid hormone, the control center is the
gene for PTH within the parathyroid
A hormone whict inhibits the activity of the osteoclast and promotes deposition of calcium ions into the bones is
inflammation of the bone marrow, caused by a pathogenic microorganism is called
the optic foramina are found in the ______ bone
the superior portion of the sternum is called the
there are ____bones in the axial division of the skeletal system and ____ bones in the appendicular division
80 and 126
An immovable joint found only between the skull bones is called a
The suture located between the tow parietal bones is called the _____ suture
The suture located beween the parietal bones and the occipital bone is the ____suture
the hard palate is formed by the _____ of the maxillae and the_____ of the palatine bones
palatine plates; horizontal plate
The tooth sockets are called
The first cervical vertebrae is called the
Spinal nerves pass through openings between the vertebrae called
Intervertebral foramina
The atlas and the head rotate around the ____ and the_____
The facets and demifacets on the bodies of the thoracic vertebrae are the sites of articulation with the
heads of the ribs
The sternal angle is formed by the junction of the ____ and the _____
Ribs that attach anteriorly to the cartilage of other ribs are referred to as false ribs or ____ ribs
An interverebral disc consists of the outer annulus fibrosis and the inner elastic structure called the _____
nucleus pulposus
When an infant begins to hold it’s head up, it’s vertebral column begins to develop a _____curve
The structures involved in hearing and equilibrium are housed in the ________ of the temporal bone.
petrous portion
The foramen magnum is a large hole in the _____ bone
The sella turcica of the sphenoid bone provides protection for the _____gland
the olfactory foramina are located in the _______ of the ethmoid bone.
cribriform plate