Final Exam 1 Flashcards
Which two ovarian cells are responsible for estrogen/progesterone production?
theca cells and granulosa cells
*During the process of ovulation, what is actually ejected from the ovary?
secondary oocyt
During the average menstrual cycle LH and FSH levels are highest during which phase?
Immediately prior to ovulation
During spermatozoa maturation protamines replace histones to facilitate chromatin condensation. When or where are sperm DNA protamines removed and replaced by histones?
in the oocyte after fertilization
The 1st polar body is produced during which stage of human development?
tertiary (Graafian) follicle
When does zona pellucida “hatching” occur?
blastocyst stage
The amniotic cavity is formed when:
a cavity forms in the epiblast
*GnRH regulates FSH and FSH supports both spermatogenesis and oogenesis by acting on which cells?
Sertoli and granulosa cells
During human gastrulation which definitive germ layer forms first?
Placental villi primarily derive from which tissue?
trophoblast of the blastocyst
*The chorionic cavity or extraembryonic coelom forms between which two layers?
somatic extraembryonic mesoderm and splanchnic extraembryonic mesoderm
The oropharyngeal membrane (oral plate) is a combination of which layers?
ectoderm and endoderm
*Why is the notochord referred to as the “primary inducer”?
A) induces ectoderm to form the neural plate & B) induces paraxial mesoderm to form somites
*The intraembryonic coelom forms during week 3 and is defined by horizontal folding during week 4 of embryonic development. Where does this occur?
between somatic and splanchnic mesoderm
A primary outcome of caudal embryonic longitudinal folding is formation of the?
*What is the source of the mesothelium that makes-up the parietal peritoneum?
lateral somatic mesoderm
The embryonic period is characterized as weeks 1-8 after fertilization. Which major event characterizes week 2?
How many chromosomes and how many copies of DNA (N) would be present in a human spermatid?
23 and 1 N
How many chromosomes and how many copies of DNA (N) would be present in a human secondary oocyte?
23 and 2 N
When during the cell cycle does the centriole replication occur?
S phase
Which structure is analogous to the corpus spongiosum of the male penis?
The primary site of spermatogenesis is the:
seminiferous tubules
Which sequence best reflects the sperm pathway through the male reproductive system?
Seminiferous tubules, rete testis, efferent ducts, epididymis, ductus deferens, ejaculatory duct, prostatic urethra, membranous urethra, penile urethra
Which male cell is the first to initiate meiosis?
Primary spermatocyte
Which cell type is haploid?
Secondary spermatocyte
What single feature is shared by primordial, early and late primary, secondary and tertiary (prior to the LH surge) follicles?
all include a primary oocyte
Know what a tertiary follicle looks like
Be able to label granulosa cells, corona radiate and cumulus oophorous
The primary target cells for LH in males is?
Leydig cells
Which cells or structures would not accompany the oocyte at ovulation?
granulosa cells
Luteal phase ovarian production of which hormone primarily accounts for the secretory phase development of the endometrium?
Which area of the female reproductive tract is characterized by branched mucus secreting glands that shift mucus production from a thick, acidic secretion during most of the menstrual cycle to large volumes of a thin, watery alkaline secretion around ovulation?
Sperm-oocyte binding results in all of the following except?
oocyte immediately hatches from the zona pellucida
Which major organelle is contributed to the zygote by the sperm cell during fertilization?
What is the fundamental mechanism by which the classic contraceptive “Pill” prevents pregnancy?
inhibits oocyte/follicle maturation and ovulation
Why is compaction important?
separates blastomeres into two distinct cell populations (embryoblast and trophoblast)
Which cells would not be present in a human blastocyst at the initiation of implantation(Day 7)?
Where does the “decidual” reaction occur?
functional zone of endometrium
95% of all ectopic pregnancies occur in which location?
What is the origin of the amniotic membrane?
The hypoblast layer is important because it contributes to ?
extraembryonic mesoderm formation
The chorionic cavity forms between which two layers?
extraembryonic somatic mesoderm & extraembryonic splanchnic mesoderm
The end of the second week is marked by formation of the “chorion” and it’s organization into the primary chorionic villi. What is the correct order (from the chorionic cavity to the decidua) of the 3 layers that make up the chorionic membrane?
extraembryonic somatic mesoderm, cytotrophoblast, syncytiotrophoblast
The primitive streak marks the beginning of gastrulation. What will be the fate of the second population of cells that pass through the primitive streak?
will become intraembryonic axial mesoderm
A woman has a difficult time delivering an infant because of a large bulging mass in the posterior area of the infants buttocks. After delivery, gentle rectal palpation indicated that this tissue extended up into the pelvis. Biopsy of tissue revealed the presence of skin, cartilage, bone, nervous tissue, cardiac and skeletal muscle, and intestinal epithelium. What is the diagnosis?
sacrococcygeal teratoma
The neurenteric canal is a transient passageway that develops during?
notochord formation
Why are neural crest cells important?
essential to peripheral nervous system development
Why is the extraembryonic somatic mesoderm important to the developing embryo?
basis for chorionic villus blood vessel formation
The correct sequence of structures would be:
zygote, morula, blastocyst, gastrula, neurula
Why is the extraembryonic splanchnic mesoderm important to the developing embryo?
basis for yolk sac blood island formation and vitelline circulation
Where does extraembryonic vasculogenesis begin?
splanchnic mesoderm
The somites develop from which cell population?
embryonic paraxial mesoderm
The first pair of somites develop from which pair of somitomeres?
Which event would not be considered a major accomplishment of the 4th week of development?
chorion formation
The mesoderm derived epithelium that lines our closed body cavities is the?
The visceral peritoneum derives from the ?
intraembryonic splanchnic mesoderm
Another name for the simple squamous epithelium that forms the lining of the cardiovascular system is the?
A major outcome of longitudinal folding is?
foregut/hindgut formation
What layers make up the intraembryonic somatopleure?
surface ectoderm and somatic mesoderm
Why is the notochord important to the process neurulation?
The notochord serves as the “primary inducer” in converting surface ectoderm into neural ectoderm.
Why is longitudinal folding important to cardiovascular system development?
Cranial folding serves to position the heart tube in what will become the chest cavity.
List 3 male secondary sex glands
seminal vesicles
bulbourethral glands
List 3 ectoderm-derived cell populations that result from neurulation
neuroepithelial cells
neural crest cells
surface ectoderm
List the 3 components that make up chorion.
extraembryonic somatic mesoderm
List the 3 components that make up the embryonic vascular system during the 4th week.
aortic/cardinal circulation
vitelline circulation
allantoic/umbilical circulation
Outline the process of spermiogenesis.
Golgi phase- Acrosomal vesicle forms, Centrioles migrate
Cap Phase- Acrosomal vesicle forms cap, Centrioles initiate flagella formation, Spermatic reorients Acrosome phase - Manchette formation, Cytoplasm streaming from around acrosome
Maturation phase- Mitochondria form middle piece, Histones replaced with protamines – nucleus condenses, Cytoplasm condensed into residual body
Which cells produce human chorionic gonadotropin(hCG) and why is hCG important to human pregnancy?
Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) is produced by the syncytiotrophoblast cells. The importance of hCG is it provides positive feedback on the ovary to maintain the corpus luteum, which allows continued progesterone and estrogen production. This insures the endometrium will be receptive for implantation and maintained past the normal end of the cycle.
Explain why meiosis is important.
Meiosis is important because it reduces the total number of chromosomes from 46 (diploid) to 23 (haploid). Meiosis also provides important mechanisms for inducing genetic variability in the conceptus. It does this through synapsis and crossing-over, which allows for direct exchange of genes between homologous chromosomes and through independent assortment of maternal/paternal chromosomes into the offspring
The epiblast gives rise to the 3 definitive embryonic germ layers. Identify the 3 layers and provide major derivatives of each.
Epiblast Primitive streak formation Embryonic endoderm - Primitive gut
Embryonic mesoderm Axial - Prechordal plate and Notochord Paraxial - Somites Intermediate - Genitourinary system Lateral - Somatic (plus ectoderm is somatopleure) Splanchnic (plus endoderm is splanchnopleure) Space between layers is the coelom (closed body cavities) Embryonic ectoderm Skin ectoderm Neural plate/fold ectoderm - Neural tube neuroepithelial cells Neural crest cells