Final Flashcards
Which fluid is contained by joint capsule, feels like a water balloon, and moves when palpated then returns?
joint effusion
Which fluid is in the interstitial space, and when you press on tissue with finger a dent remains
What does PRICES stand for?
Protect, Rest, Ice Compress, Elevate, Support
Wraps should be done which direction?
distal to proximal
In addition to PRICES, what other modalities could you add to the acute treatment?
Pulsed US, Laser, TENS (sensory level- IF, Premod, HiVolt)
What is the treatment time for intermittent compression?
10-30 minutes, up to 3 or 4 hours
Intermittent compression can be combined with?
Athletic tape stretches in _____ minutes.
Bracing may _______ muscle action.
When structural and functional integrity of the joint is not severely compromised, ________ is better for ambulatory aids.
For fitting crutches, the crutch tip should be?
6 inches from outer margin of shoe, 2 inches in front of shoe
For fitting crutches, the arm brace should be?
1-2 inches below anterior axillary fold
For fitting crutches, the hand brace should be?
elbow flexed to 30 degrees
What are the risks of improper use or fit of crutches
abnormal stresses, l(umbar/pelvic subluxation, low back strain, hip strain) crutch palsy (pressure on axillary nerve and vessels, temporary or permanent numbness)
For a tripod gait, the crutch tips move ______ inches ahead of feet.
Which tripod gait is faster?
Which tripod gait requires more coordination?
Which tripod gait is easier?
Tripod gait, partial weight bearing is aka?
In a four-point gait, the _________ leg and crutches move forward together.
What is the preferred gait for going up and down stairs with crutches?
Going up stairs on crutches with a handrail stair gait, the _________ leg steps first, followed by _________.
unaffected leg, follow with crutches and involved leg
Going down stairs on crutches with a handrail stair gait, what is the order?
crutches first, then affected leg, then unaffected leg
What is the order for tripod stair gait when going up stairs with crutches?
step up with unaffected leg, crutches and affected leg follow
What is the order for tripod stair gait when going down stairs with crutches?
crutches and affected leg step down first, unaffected leg follows
Where does a properly sized cane line up?
superior aspect of greater trochanter
Cane is used on ________ side of involvement
Cane moves ______ the involved side
What does TLSO stand for?
Thoraco Lumbo Sacral Orthosis
What does CTLSO stand for?
Cervico Thoraco Lumbo Sacral Orthosis
What type of brace is a Boston brace?
Boston brace is aka
under arm brace
What kind of curve is a Boston Brace used for?
thoracolumbar scoliosis
How long is a Boston Brace worn for?
at least 23 hours a day
What type of brace is a Milwaukee brace?
The Milwaukee brace is similar to the Boston brace except?
includes a neck ring held in place by vertical bars attached to the body of the brace
How long is a Milwaukee brace worn?
at least 23 hours a day
How long is a Charleston brace worn?
only at night during sleeping hours
What is a Jewett brace?
for spinal fractures, TLSO, hyperextension
What is a Voigt-Bahler brace?
for spinal fractures, TLSO, hyperextension
Trochanteric/Sacroiliac belts support _____________
SI joints and pelvis (force closure of joints)
What patients may benefit from trochanteric/Sacroiliac belts?
pregnant and post-partum females with SI joint pain
Sacroiliac belts causes gapping of SI joints if worn _________
over trochanters
There is weak evidence that lumbar supports may do what?
reduce risk of re-injury for low back injuries