Final Flashcards
Review final doc of 100 questions
“Oriental sore” is the common name for which disease?
Early in the AIDS epidemic, infection with ___ was the only indicator signifying HIV
Where in the cell does parainfluenza virus replicate?
Severe immunosuppression in children is a complication of…
rubeola (measles)
What diseases are associated with the development of hepatocellular carcinoma?
Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C
What is the vector for spread of pneumonic plague?
Which skin disease is associated with children and poor hygiene?
How many types of parainfluenza infect humans?
Which oral disease is potentially reversible?
A palpable lesion containing clear fluid is a…
Hypercapnia is associated with ___ and is an ___ level of ___
associated with RSV and is an elevated level of CO2
Psittacosis is known as…
parrot fever
What are three contributions to food poisoning?
- Failing to cook thoroughly
- Allowing food to “sit” at room temperature or warmer
- Improper storage conditions
(all of the above)
Acute African sleeping sickness is fatal because it infects the…
What is the associated mortality of untreated aspergillosis?
What is the most common etiologic agent of Traveler’s Diarrhea?
Escherichia coli
Loaiasis is an infection of the eye caused by…
a worm
What is the inactivated poliovirus vaccine?
___ is of significant concern to pregnant women because of the damage to the fetus
What is a common complication of untreated sinus blockage?
What disease is “rabbit fever”?
The blackened papulae produced in woolsorter’s disease is an…
Scalded skin syndrome is caused by ___ toxins produced by ___
exfoliative toxins produced by staphylococcus
“Rice water stools” are associated with…
Where does the lower respiratory tract begin from a microbiological perspective?
“Pink eye” is the common name for which disease?
Infection of the veins is known as…
What is the correct order of the stages of pertussis?
Prodromal, catarrhal, paroxysmal, convalescence
The skin disease that sounds like “rice crispies” cereal after the addition of milk is…
Gas gangrene
“Sin nombre” virus is spread via…
inhalation of dried rodent urine and feces
“Flesh-eating bug” is the common name for which disease?
Necrotizing fasciitis
How is salmonella transmitted?
Exotic pets such as reptiles
The incubation time from ingesting until signs and symptoms is shortest in…
Why is rotavirus infection dangerous in infants and toddlers?
Rapid dehydration
What is the most virulent bacterial infection ever known to man?
Which arbovirus is also known as “breakbone fever”?
Guillain-Barre syndrome has been associated with infection by…
campylobacter jejuni
“Walking pneumonia” is the name given to an infection caused by…
mycoplasma pneumoniae
What serotype of influenza is associated with influenza pandemics?
What is the most prevalent rickettsial disease in the US?
Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever
South American sleeping sickness is spread via the bite of the…
kissing bug
Candidiasis of the skin in babies is known as…
diaper rash
Varicella-Zoster refers to the viral illness of ___ and ___
viral illness of chicken pox and shingles
What are the insect vectors in relapsing fever?
Tick and louse
In Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, the rash begins on the ___ and moves towards ___
begins on the extremities and moves towards torso
What is the vector for transmission of bubonic plague?
Flea (on rat)
What is the most common normal flora to cause infection in both the upper and lower respiratory tract?
A predisposing cause of gastric adenocarcinoma is infection with…
helicobacter pylori
The vector associated with ebola is…
EHEC is the acronym for…
escherichia coli that produces shiga toxin
What joint is predominantly affected by chronic lyme disease?
What virus causes warts?
The leading eye infection in underdeveloped nations is contracted via…
vaginal birth
African Sleeping Sickness is spreading by the bile of the…
tsetse fly
What bacteria grows in the placenta of mammals?
Infection of the valves of the heart is known as…
Which of the hepatitis viruses confers life-long immunity?
Hepatitis A
What is the etiologic agent of lyme disease?
The annual influenza season is an example of…
antigenic drift
What is the most common method of contracting undulant fever in the US?
Consumption of unpasteurized dairy products
What is the cause of “hot tub” folliculitis is caused by…
What is the most serious and extensive form of acne?
Nodular cystic
What is the most common treatment for the removal of warts?
Cautery with cryotherapy
What disease is commonly known as “strep throat”?
What is the etiologic agent of Q fever?
What is the most common vector in the arboviruses?
Which of the following does not present a cough?
- Parainfluenza type 3
- Influenza
- Respiratory syncytial virus
- Pertussis
Respiratory syncytial virus does not present a cough
An endogenous infection of the digestive tract is caused by…
normal flora
What are the tests for tuberculosis?
- Mantoux
- Tine
___ accounts for 90% of nosocomial gastrointestinal infections
Clostridium difficile
What is the cause of varicella?
Bacterial sinusitis is commonly misdiagnosed as…
allergic rhinitis
What is the virus that causes severe neurological complications in developing fetuses?
What is the predominant cause of blistering of the urogenital mucosa?
Human herpesvirus 2
Which disease may present with pseudomembrane composed of bacteria, fibrin, and cell debris?
Hemolytic uremic syndrome is associated with…
escherichia coli that produces Shiga toxin
Which virus demonstrates a seasonal infection pattern?
What is the most common form of poliomyelitis?
The parasitic disease filariasis is caused by either ___ or ___
Wuchereria or Brugia
Coiled macrophages are indicative of what infection?
Legionella pneumophilia
What is a localized region of pus with extensive inflammation?
Coccidiomycosis is also known as…
valley fever
What is the most important part of the respiratory tracts defense system?
Mucociliary escalator
What is erythema migrans?
Bulls eye rash
What is the secondary reservoir in Lyme disease?
What is the cause of the leading eye infection in undeveloped nations?
Chlamydia trachomatis
What features of the pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelium is destroyed in pertussis?
Tularemia may manifest as:
- Ulceroglandular
- Typhoidal
- Oculoglandular
(all of the above)
Which disease may present with subconjunctival bleeding?
Croup is also known as…
What is the predominant cause of fever blisters on the oral mucosa?
Human herpesvirus 1
Undulant fever is also known as…
What is the primary reservoir in Lyme disease?
Tooth health is directly associated with ___ health
heart health
What is the most common cause of bacterial endocarditis?
What is a severe complication of untreated otitis media?
What is South American trypanosomiasis?
Chagas’ disease
What are components of triple antibiotic therapy for tuberculosis?
- Isoniazid
- Pyrazinamide
Rotavirus outbreaks are common in what age group?
Infants and toddlers
Epidemic gastrointestinal infections are related to…
public health failures