FF2: Lesson 1 Flashcards
I Believe in God
First canonized martyr of the Dominican Order
St. Peter of Verona
What year was St. Peter of Verona born?
Where did St. Peter of Verona took his education?
University of Bologna
At what age did St. Peter of Verona became a martyr?
Meaning of “Credo in Deum”
I believe in God
The act of believing in God and divinely revealed truths
Fides Qua
The faith which is believed
Fides Quae
____ is professed within the communion of the Holy Spirit
Faith is…
a reality profoundly personal and ecclesial.
_____ defines what we believe about God
Condensed formulas of faith developed over time
What are creeds?
Brief formulas that make it possible for all believers to have a common profession.
Oldest authoritative doctrinal formulation of the Church’s belief in the Trinity
Apostles’ Creed
Based on Trinitarian formula of Baptism
Apostles’ Creed
Arose out of the defensive struggle against Arianism
Nicene Creed
What is meant to be shared?
What has social dimension because it has been handed over by the Church
3(H) things of faith
Head, heart, hand thing
The adequate response to this invitation is _____.
Faith is the submission of our whole being ( _____ and _____ ) to God the revealer.
Intellect and revealer
To believe has twofold references: to the ______ and to the ______: to the truth, by trust in the person who bears witness to it.
Person and truth
Most fundamental and most profound mystery of Faith
Holy Trinity
Holy Trinity is also known as
Apex of God’s revelation
Meaning of “pluralis majestatis”?
Plural of majesty
What are the Trinitarian Dogma
Substance, Person, Relations
Rendered also at times by “essence” or “nature”
The concept of SUBSTANCE answers the question
“What are you?”
Rendered also at times by “hypostasis”
Who defines “person” as an individual substance of a rational nature
The concept of PERSON answers the question
“Who are you?”
_____ is the bearer of nature and the ultimate subject of all being and acting
______ is that through which the hypostasis is and acts.
Excursus is…
Substance and Person combined
Used by the Church to designate the fact that Divine Persons’ distinction lies in the relationship of each to the others
The end of the procession goes outside the principle from which it proceeds.
Creatures proceed by this from God their Primary Origin.
External procession
the origin of a Divine Person from another through the
communication of the numerically one
Divine Essence
Internal procession
What are two internal Divine Processions
- Begetting of the Son by the Father
- the procession of the Holy Spirit from the Father and the Son
According to the Holy Trinity, God is a _______ of love.
The Father is _____
The Son is _____
The Holy Spirit is ______
What is the basis of the Holy Trinity?
Church’s synodality
Syn means _____, while odos means ____.It indicates the path along which the People of God walk together.
With and path
Theme of the forthcoming Synod on October 2023
Communion, participation, mission
God gathers us together
All of us are called to serve one another through the gifts we have received from God.
The Father sent his Son; the Father and the Son sent the Holy Spirit.