Fever Flashcards
Other disease processes ass/w fever besides infection?
Rheum Dz IBD Kawasaki's Poisoning Malignancy
> 38 Celsius is what in Fâ?
> 100.4
Fever is diurnal - what times of the day?
Lower AM
Higher in PM
Will neonates have a febrile response?
Yes/No - fever may indicate serious infection!
<5yo will have what type of fever response?
Exaggerated (Up to 105)
Fever response decreases when?
> 5yo = high temps may indicate severe illness
Categories of fever?
- Fever of short duration
- Fever w/out focus
- Fever of unknown origin
Characteristics of Fever of short duration
Localized S/S
Dx - clinically
Characteristics of Fever w/out focus (source)
No localizing S/S or Source
MC <3yo
Cant Dx clinically
Characteristics of Fever of unknown origin
> 14d w/out source despite a work up
1wk admit/eval
All febrile infants <4w age req what?
Admit for empirical Abx pending Cx
DDx of <3mo w/ fever
MC - Viral Bacteremia Pneumonia Meningitis UTI OM/septic arthritis
Fever for 3mo-3yrs are increased risk for what infectious pathogens?
-- Polysaccharide capsule organisms Strep Pneumo H. Influenza N. Meningitidis Non-typhoidal Salmonella
Eyes - Alert vs Lethargic?
Alert - eyes shiny/bright and interactive
Lethargic - glassy eyes, stares vacantly
TXT fever w/
Remove clothes/blankets
Limit physical activity
Sponge baths w/ warm water
Types of antipyretics used to TXT fever?
APAP (10-15mg/kg q4-6h)
Ibuprofen (10mg/kg q6h) - not before 6mo old
NO ASA (Reyeâs syndrome)
Teething rarely ass/w temp higher than?
> 100.4 (not that high usually)
1st on Ddx to consider of Fever w/out source?
UTI or Pneumonia
W/U <1mo old w/ fever w/out source?
Admit - CBC, Bld Cx, UA/Cx - LP csf - CXR ABX after labs drawn (Ampicillin/gentamycin)
W/U 1-36mo old and toxic appearing w/ fever w/out source?
- CBC, Bld Cx, UA/Cx
- LP csf (1-3mos OR 3-36mo and meningeal S/S)
- Stool Cx - (Diarrheal - WBC count)
- CXR - (if >102.1 + WBC >20k)
ABX after labs drawn (ceftriaxone or cefotaxime)
MC Dx of Fever of Unknown origin?
MC - Occult infections
- Inflammatory disease
- Malignancy
- No Dx
W/U FUO >14 or >1wk admit?
CBC w/ diff ESR/CRP LFTs UA/Cx - Bld Cx - CSF/Cx ANA - antinuclear antibody RF - rheumatoid factor C3, C4, CH50 complement - serum complement CXR
MC infections causing FUO?
Occult abscesses
MC inflammatory diseases causing FUO?
MC malignancies causing FUO?
<5yo PEDs w/ SCA have increased risk for what? Why?
Bacteremia - impaired opsonization fx of spleen
Mgmt of SCA and severe illness w/ fever?
Admit if WBC <5 or >30k
Empiric Abx
Mgmt of SCA and fever outpt?
Blood Cx, Ceftriaxone
What conditions are MC w/ SCA? Organisms?
Osteomyelitis from Salmonella or S. Aureus
blood cx not always positive