Fetal Growth And Development Flashcards
Gestational age
Usually how many weeks before ovulation and fertilization?
2 weeks
Gestational age
How many weeks before blastocyst implantation
3 weeks
Embryologist describe embryo fetal development using this or the time in days or weeks from ovulation.
Ovulation age
Nearly identical to ovulation age
Postconceptional age
Between first day of LMP and the birth
289 days or 40 weeks
9 and 1/3 calendar months
Quick estimate of EDC
Naegele rule
Zygote and blastocyst development
How many weeks after ovulation?
First 2 weeks
Zygote and blastocyst development
Implantation, how many days before fertilization?
6-7 days
Zygote and blastocyst development
How many embryo producing cells (inner cell mass)
5 embryo
Zygote and blastocyst development
How many cell from the placental trophoblast?
53 cells
Embryonic period
3 rd week after ovulation and fertilization
Embryonic period
Formation of what? That coincides with the expected day of menses
Primitive chorionic villi
Embryonic period
Last how many weeks
8 weeks
Embryonic period
Takes place
3rd week
Positive pregnancy test ( 35 days or 5th week) Embryonic disc Body stalk 1cm chorionic sac Fetal blood vessel in chorionic villi
4th week
CVS True circulation ( chorionic villi and embryo ) Chorionic sac 2-3 cm Arm and leg bud Amnion
6th week
22-24 cm in lenght Head> trunk Heart is complete Finger and toes Arms bend at the elbows Lip and ears
Fetal period
8 weeks after fertilization
10 weeks after LMP
Embryo 4cm long
Correspond to the sitting height are most accurate for dating.
Crown to rump lenght
12 gestational weeks
Uterus in symphisis pubis CRL 6-7 cm Center of ossification Differentiate finger and toes Skin and nails Fetal movt Beginning to show gender
16 gestational weeks
CRL 12cm 110 g 14 weeks - determined gender 16-18 weeks- eye movement Uterus- between symphisis pubis and umbilicus Midbrain
20 gestational weeks
Midpoint Fetus move every minute \+quickening Fetal skin less transparent Downy lanugo Scalp hair is developed
Cochlear function develops between
22-25 weeks and maturation continues 6 months after delivery
24 gestational weeks
Wt. 630 g Fat deposit begin Large head Eyebrow and eyelashes Canalicular period of lung nearly completed
24 weeks fetus born this time will attempt to breathe but most will die because
Terminal sacs have not yet formed
28 gestational weeks
CRL - 25 cm 1100 g Vernix caseosa Disappeared pupillary membrane Blinking 90% of survival if born
32 gestational weeks
CRL- 28 cm
1900 g
Skin is still red and wrinkled
36 gestational weeks
CRL - 32cm
2500 g
Subcutaneous fat deposition
Lost of wrinkled face
40 gestational weeks
Term Fetus is fully developed CRL - 36 cm 3400g 2500 most Filipinos
Full termed is (37-42 weeks)2
Placental physiology and fetal growth
Fetal blood contained in the?
Maternal blood remains in the?
Fetal capillaries of chorionic villi
Intervillous space
No direct communication between them
Placental physiology and fetal growth
Bidirectional transfer depends on the processes that permit or aid the transport through the
Syncytiotrophoblast that line the chorionic villi
Placental physiology and fetal growth
There are occasional breaks in the chorionic villi which permit escape of fetal cells into the maternal circulation
- women by + fetus
Maternal autoimmune diseases
Maternal blood within this space is the primary unit of maternal- fetal transfer
Intervillous space
Function together as the fetal lung GIT and kidney
Chorionic villi
Intervillous space
Placental physiology and fetal growth
Utero placental BF near term is
700-900 ml/min
Reduce blood flow into the Intervillous space with the degree depending on the contraction intensity
Active labor contraction
Regulate maternal and fetal blood flow
Maternal facing syncytiotrophoblast surface is char theorized by
Complex micro villus structure
Fetal facing basal cell membrane is the site for transport from the
Intravillous space into fetal blood
Most substance with mass
Simple diffusion like
O2, CO2, water, most electrolytes and anesthetic gases
Cross the placenta but very slow
Steroid hormones
Thyroid hormones
Hormones synthesized in situ in the trophoblasts enter both the
Maternal and fetal circulation but not equally
Transferred by way of a specific trophoblast receptor mediated mechanism
Gestational age
Also called
Menstrual age