Fetal Abnormalities Flashcards
Most common open neural tube defect:
Most common site of obstruction in the brain, causing hydrocephalus
Aqueduct of Sylvius
Arnold Chiari type 2
Lumbosacral meningomyelocele
Cerebellar herniation
A defectus lamina reuniens is the cause of:
Agenesis of the corpus callosum
Four-layered cortex of the fetal skull instead of the usual six-layered cortex describes which anomaly?
Most common location for an encephalocele to occur:
Occipital region
The “Lemon” sign may be an indication of:
Spins Bifida
Many fetuses with spina bifida also have:
Duplication of the structures in the face and cranium describe:
Malformation of the lymphatic system may cause:
Cystic Hygroma
What side of the umbilicus is gastroschisis usually found?
Most common type of diaphragmatic hernia:
Foramen of Bochdalek
Cystic Adenomatoid Malformation
A condition causing hamartomas to form in the lung
Most severe type of obstruction in the urinary tract:
Posterior Urethral Valve
Double bubble sign
Duodenal atresia
Most common type of dwarfism
Most common cardiac abnormality
Ventricular septal defect
Ebstein’s anomaly
Apically located tricuspid valve, creating an enlarged Rt atrium and small Rt ventricle
Tetralogy of Fallot
Ventricular septal defect
Overriding Aorta
Right ventricular hypertrophy
Possible pulmonary stenosis
What does the maternal serum quadruple screen consist of?
Used to asses risk of T21 and open neural tube defects
Alpha-fetoprotein AFP
Unconjugated Estriol uE3
Chorionic Gonadotropin hCG
Dimeric Inhibin-A DIA
To avoid possibility of limb shortening defects, it is suggested to perform chorionic villus sampling at or after:
10 wks gest
It is performed to determine fetal karyotype
Best site for CVS is:
Chorion Frondosum
An increase in MSAFP levels may be associated with:
Neural tube defects
Multiple pregnancies
Chromosomal abnormalities
hCG and DIA are usually_______ with Down syndrome
Most common reason to perform fetal blood sampling:
To confirm abnormal results obtained from amniocentesis or CVS
Which sites are used to perform fetal blood sampling
Site of cord insertion into the placenta
Fetal heart
Fetal intrahepatic veins
Strongest maternal serum indicator for trisomy 18
Estriol. (uE3)