Ferret Flashcards
What is the name of the uncuffed ET tube used for ferrets?
Cole ET tube
What is the scientific name for the ferret?
Mustela putorius furo
What animal is the domestic ferret descended from?
European polecat
What are the 2 types of ferrets?
Wild type or fitch and albino
What is an intact and neutered male ferret called?
Hob and gib
What is an intact and spayed female ferret called?
Jill and sprite
What is a group of ferrets called?
What are ferret babies called?
Which glands produce the musk in ferrets?
Apocrine glands
Which virus is zoonotic to ferrets?
Common flu
Are ferrets nocturnal or diurnal?
What changes occur in ferrets during seasonal fluctuations?
They gain more fat during winter and fall, and lose it in spring and summer
How many permanent teeth do ferrets have?
How many pairs of salivary glands do ferrets?
What happens to the hob’s repro from august to november?
Spermatogenesis ceases and testicular size decreases
How long do ferrets live?
5-11 years
When can hobs and jills breed?
Hobs at 8-12 months and jills at 7-10 months
What is the ferret estrus cycle?
Continuous until intromission
What is the ferret gestation period?
41-43 days
What is the ferret litter size and weaning time?
up to 8 kits, 6-8 weeks
How long can female ferrets breed?
2-5 years
Scruffing causes what reflex in ferrets?
What are ways to ID ferrets?
microchip, tattoos, ear tags/punches
Where can small amounts of blood be pulled from in ferrets?
Clipped toenail, lateral saphenous vein, cephalic vein, retro-orbital sinus
Where can large amounts of blood be pulled from in ferrets?
Caudal tail vein/artery, jugular vein
A longer needle is needed for SQ injections during what time of the year?
Fall and winter
IM injections in the ferret are given where?
Semimembranosus and quadriceps
IP injections in the ferret are given where?
Lower abdomen to avoid bladder, bowel and other organs
IV injections in the ferret are given where?
Cephalic, saphenous, jugular
Which reflex do ferrets lack?
Cough reflex
What must you use in ferrets when inserting an EG tube?
Mouth gag or speculum
What are 2 vaccines ferrets need?
Killed rabies and modified live distemper
When should the first rabies vaccine be given to ferrets?
3 months
What should be given to ferrets before administering vaccines?
How long should ferrets be fasted before SX?
6 hours
Atropine or glycopyrrolate should be administered as a premed to ferrets to reduce what?
Saliva, GI secretions and arrythmias
Which anesthetic combo shouldn’t be used in ferrets and which should?
Ketamine and Xylazine shouldn’t be used.
Use Ketamine and Ace
Which breathing system should be used in ferrets under anesthesia?
Non Rebreathing system
What 2 analgesics can be used in ferrets postop?
Butorphenol or Bupenorphine
How are ferrets euthanized?
Like dogs, overdose with barbiturate
What causes proliferative bowel disease in ferrets?
Desulfovibrio spp
What causes tuberculosis in ferrets?
Mycobacterium spp
What causes gastritis in ferrets?
Helicobacter mustelae
What causes botulism in ferrets?
Clostridium botulinum type C
What are 3 bacteria ferrets can contract?
E. Coli, Strep, Staph
Aleutian disease in ferrets is also known as:
Mink plasmacytosis
What causes Aleutian disease in ferrets and what are the symptoms?
Carnivore amdoparovirus
Kidney failure, spontaneous abortion and death
Syncope in young/old ferrets is caused by what?
Young ferrets, caused by hypoglycemia
Older ferrets, caused by severe 2nd or 3rd degree heart block
What are 3 common neoplasias ferrets can get?
Insulinomas, Mast cell tumors, lymphosarcoma
Which adrenal issue are ferrets prone to?
How long do ferrets sleep?
4-6 hours a day
Is it normal for ferrets to want to play with cats and dogs?
Heartworm prevention in ferrets can be treated with HeartGuard. How much can be given?
1/4 tablet once monthly. Discard the remaining tablet since it will degenerate and be ineffective.
A liquid ivermectin solution can be given PO once a month to ferrets for HW prevention. How should it be prepared, and how much should be given?
Mix 0.3 ml of injectable ivermectin in 28 ml (1 oz) of propylene glycol. Give 0.2 ml/kg PO once a month. Light sensitive.
What are the usual intestinal parasites of ferrets?
What are 3 ways to restrain a ferret?
Distract with treats, burrito wrap in a towel, scruff/form a a ring around the neck with the thumb and forefinger.
What is a common protozoa in pet store ferrets?
Which protozoa is a common finding in young ferrets and has zoonotic potential?
What external parasite can be transmitted to dogs/cats and produce a brown-red aural discharge?
Ear mites
Which cat flea products can be given to ferrets at smaller doses?
Advantage and Revolution
What are 3 ways to get urine from a ferret?
Catheterization, gentle expression and cystocentesis
Anorexic ferrets are at risk to what?
Hypoglycemia and hepatic lipidosis
Sedation may be required for what to collect urine?
Cystocentesis, due to thin bladder wall