Feminism Flashcards
What is feminism?
A belief that society has many factors that don’t work in the interests of women
When was first wave feminism?
When was second wave feminism?
When was third wave feminism?
When was fourth wave feminism?
2008 - present
What does feminism being broad cause?
Strands directly opposing each other
What was the focus/purpose of first wave feminism?
The legal and political rights of women such as equal suffrage (achieved in 1928) It is the rights inside the public sphere.
What was the focus/purpose of second wave feminism?
Focusing on the societal roles of women and Sex vs Gender e.g. prochoice
Feminism was not popular and was a ‘turn off’
What is a quote associated with second wave feminism?
'’The personal is the political’’
What was the focus/purpose of third wave feminism?
Focused on broadening the impact of feminism on those beyond the white middle class demographic. The patriarchy is entrenched in various sectors of society Confusion is the defining focus
What was the focus/purpose of fourth wave feminism?
Focusing on tackling ‘everyday’ feminism and the media image of women e.g. me too movement
It is difficult to point out but it is clearly there
What are the 3 core principles/themes of feminism?
Distinction between gender and sex
The personal is political
What is sex?
Biological status
What is gender?
Innate character of being male or female
What is the feminism idea of distinction between gender and sex?
Argue that biological differences but innate character is not. They believe that masculinity and femininity is learned/imposed on society. Men and women aspire to different qualities which ultimately subordinate.
What is the feminism idea of the patriarchy?
Society runs in the interests of men
What does the patriarchy manifest?
Underrepresentation in state roles
Domestic violence
Domestic abuse is a private matter
Lower pay/part time work for balance of house work
Female sex desire is deviant
Media portrays an embedded image of femininity (objectified)
What is the feminism idea of personal is political?
Distinguish between the public and private spheres
At home is where patriarchy is exercised the most
What wave of feminism are liberal feminists associated with?
What is the mission statement for liberal statement?
If all humans are equal, then women are equal to men and deserve equal political, legal and economic rights.
What movement was liberal feminism associated with early on?
Woman’s suffrage
What reforms has liberal feminism campaigned for?
Equal legal/political rights Equal opportunity Abortion/Divorce reform Combat gender stereotypes Education/Pay reforms
How does liberal feminism aim to remove the patriarchy?
Reform through democratic pressure
How does liberal feminism feel about the extent of patriarchy and people’s personal relationships?
They don’t agree with otherness (women portrayed as outside of sociey)
Why is liberal feminism criticized by radical feminists?
For not understanding the true extent of the problem of patriarchy that it extends into private and personal spheres not just public
What does socialist feminism believe is the route of gender inequality?
In what different ways does socialist feminism believe capitalism exploits women?
It makes them fill a subservient role to look after male workers, socialize children into workers, act as a reserve labor army in crisis and to be virgins to ensure wealth can be passed down to true heirs and keep the economy running.
How does socialist feminism think patriarchy can be overcome and what is the alternative?
Removed capitalism and replace with a socialist society with shared childcare and housework
What kind of movement is socialist feminism?
What have modern socialist feminists come to acknowledge?
The patriarchy can still remain once capitalism is removed
What wave is radical feminism associated with?
Second wave
What kind of movement is radical feminism?
Radical feminism believes the family is the key agent of patriarchy. In what way does the family oppress the women?
The wife is treated as the property of the husband
Why does radical feminism think some women can’t recognise their own oppression?
It has been well drummed into them that they should be subservient to the men.
What are difference feminists/what do they believe?
Women and men are not equal by nature, and their differences should be celebrated. Some even argue that women’s nature is superior to that of men’s.
What are separatist feminists?
The only way women can escape patriarchy is to create their own female-only societies. Also referred to as political lesbianism
What way do radical feminists believe the patriarchy can be overcome/
Abolishing the nuclear family and replace is with communal living and sexual liberation
What wave is post-modern feminism associated with?
What is post-modern feminism?
A difference feminism movement, which recognises that different groups o women experience patriarchy and oppression in different ways
What does the notion of ‘intersectionality’ mean and who developed it?
Post-modern feminism
There is no singles basis for women’s subordination and no single method for dealing with it