Female Urogenital Triangle Flashcards
What are the functions of the vulva/pudendum?
- erectile/sensory tissue for sex
- direct the flow of urine
- prevents foreign entry into urogenital tract
What is the mons pubis?
rounded, fatty prominence ant. to: pubic symphysis, superior pubic rami and pubic tubercles
What is the labia majora?
- prominent raised folds of skin on either side of pudendal cleft
- contains: glandular and hairy external surface; smooth, pink hairless internal surface
What is the labia majora homologous to in males?
two halves of scrotal sac
What ligament terminates in the labia majora?
round lig. of uterus
What surrounds the vestibule of vagina?
labia minora
What is the labia minora?
-folds of fat-free, hairless skin enclosed in pudendal cleft by labia majora
How does the labia minora connect posteriorly in young women and virgins?
frenulum of labia minora
What is the homologue of the labia minora in males?
the skin that covers body of penis in males
When the labia minora meets anteriorly, what structure does it form?
prepuce of clitoris
What makes up the root of the clitoris?
2 crura located along the internal surface of ischial rami
What surrounds the female crus?
ischiocavernosus mm.
Each female crus is continuous with what structure in the body of clitoris?
Corpus cavernosum
Where does the bulbospongiosus m. travel?
originates at perineal body and inserts onto clitoris, covering bulb of vestibule on either side of vaginal orifice
What is the body of the clitoris composed of?
2 corpora cavernosa
What is the function of the glans clitoris?
organ of sexual arousal
What is the vestibule of vagina?
space btw labia minora were urethra and vagina open externally
What is the hymen?
thin fold of mucous membrane covering vaginal orifice, may cover vaginal orifice completely but perforates at puberty to allow for menstrual flow
What is the bulb of vestibule?
paired masses of elongated erectile tissue deep to labia minora
what is the bulb of the vestibule covered by and continuous with?
bulbospongiosus m. and glans clitoris
what is the homologue to bulb vestibule in males?
bulb of penis and corpus spongiosum
What are vestibular glands?
round/oval glands located on each side of vestibule posterolateral to vagina
What two arteries supply the vulva?
external and internal pudendal aa.
What does the external pudendal artery supply?
skin and superficial fascia of vulva
Does the external pudendal artery have branches?
Yes, deep and superficial arteries that branch from femoral artery
What does the internal pudendal artery supply?
via deep a. of clitoris - supplies erectile tissue in clitoris
what is the venous drainage of the vulva?
internal pudendal v drain to internal iliac v
The innervation of the vulva somatically by _______, __________ and __________
ilioinguinal, genitofemoral and pudendal n
What nerve is formed by ilioinguinal in female?
anterior labial n
What does genitofemoral n innervate on a female?
anterolateral perineum
What does the pudendal nerve terminate in a female?
posterior labial nerve (from superficial perineal n)
Innervation of vulva parasympathetically via __________?
cavernous nerve from uterovaginal nerve plexus
What is the result of parasympathetic innervation to the vulva?
increases vaginal secretion and erection of clitoris
A pudendal nerve block during childbirth would be injected where?
where pudendal nerve crosses sacrospinal lig, near its attachement to ischial spine
What is another block the pudendal block may be coupled with?
ilioinguinal nerve block
ilioinguinal nerve block abolishes what sensations from what area?
sensations from anterior part of perineum
What are the 4 main perineal fascias and pouches?
- superficial perineal fascia
- deep perineal fascia
- superficial perineal pouch
- deep perineal pouch
The fatty superficial layer of superficial perineal fascia is continous with what fascia?
Camper’s fascia
In females the fatty superficial layer of superficial perineal fascia extends into?
labia majora and over mons pubis
in males the fatty superficial layer of superficial perineal fascia is ?
reduced, replaced by smooth muscle in penis/scrotum
What is another name for the membranous deep layer of the superficial perineal fascia?
Colles’ fascia - continuous with scarpa’s fascia
Colles fascia attaches posteriorly to ?
perineal body and perineal membrane
Colles fascia attaches laterally to ?
fascia lata of thigh
Colles fascia is continuous with?
dartos fascia of penis and scrotum
What does the deep perineal fascia invest?
ischiocavernosus, bulbospongiosus and superficial transverse perineal muscles
Where does the deep perineal fascia attach?
laterally to ischiopubic rami
Deep perineal fascia fuses anterior with?
suspensory lig or either penis or clitoris
What is the deep perineal fascia continuous with?
deep fascia of anterolateral abdominal wall
the superficial perineal pouch is the potential space between?
colles fascia and perineal membrane
What does superficial perineal pouch contain in males?
- crura and bulb of penis, ischiocavernosus, bulbospongiosus
- proximal part of spongy urethra
- superficial transverse perineal m
- deep perineal branches of internal pudendal AV and pudendal N
What does superficial perineal pouch contain in females?
- crura of clitoris and ischiocavernosus
- bulb of vestibule and bulbospongiousus
- greater vestibular glands
- superficial transverse perineal m
- deep perineal branches of internal pudendal AV and pudendal N
Where is the deep perineal pouch?
located above perineal membrane and open superior to ischioanal fossae
What is in the deep perineal pouch?
- membranous urethra and bulbourethral glands (males)
- proximal part of urethra (females)
- external urethral sphincter - both sexes
- deep transverse perineal m - both sexes
What innervates the external urethral sphincter m?
dorsal nerve of penis/clitoris- branch of pudendal