Feedback November Flashcards
Judging from the way the woman _ (слева) is dressed, I think sheäs local.
Judging from the way the woman on the left is dressed, I think sheäs local.
Maybe these girls are travelling and talking to a _. (= местный житель)
Maybe these girls are travelling and talking to a local.
They l_ (look like or like?) they’re from America.
They look like they’re from America.
They look like they’re _ a good mood.
They look like they’re in a good mood.
For me personally, it would be interesting to see an emergency department, but I’m not sure I’d be _ _ h_. (= не думаю, что я бы там смогла чем-то помочь)
For me personally, it would be interesting to see an emergency department, but I’m not sure I’d be of any help. (= не думаю, что я бы там смогла чем-то помочь)
I, personally, wouldn’t want to see any of these situations - they’re all w_ too stressful for me. (= ну слишком)
I, personally, wouldn’t want to see any of these situations - they’re all way too stressful for me. (= ну слишком)
When I moved to Moscow from my small town, I f_ _ difficult (= мне было сложно) to spend a lot of time commuting.
When I moved to Moscow from my small town, I found it difficult to spend a lot of time commuting.
Students from Latin America and Africa had trouble _ (adapt) to the Russian long cold winter.
Students from Latin America and Africa had trouble adapting to the Russian long cold winter.
Someone from Latin America could struggle with adapting _ different food
Someone from Latin America could struggle with adapting to different food
When I moved out from my parents I found difficult to manage my monthly budget.
When I moved out from my parents I found IT difficult to manage my monthly budget.
A lot of French people don’t learn English _ (потому что) they prefer to speak French.
A lot of French people don’t learn English because they prefer to speak French.
or since (поскольку) / as
There was almost no public transport and I had trouble _ to work. (добираться до работы)
There was almost no public transport and I had trouble getting to work. (добираться до работы)
When Alina moved to France she struggled with communicating with local people who _ (не говорят) English
When Alina moved to France she struggled with communicating with local people who don’t speak English.
people => plural form of the verb (don’t)
[make a sentence]
When Julia / eat out /she / prefer / Italian food.
When Julia eats out she prefers Italian food.
The quickest way to get around Irina’s hometown is _ car.
The quickest way to get around Irina’s hometown is by car.
In Amsterdam, cyclists have priority _ pedestrians.
= преимущество перед
In Amsterdam, cyclists have priority over pedestrians.
I picked up a few cooking t_ from my friend. She is a fan of cooking.
= приёмы
I picked up a few cooking techniques from my friend. She is a fan of cookingю
I picked up some professional jargon in my current company.
reformulate with a COMPOUND NOUN
I picked up some basic skills how to play badminton.
I picked up some basic badminton skills.
In Amsterdam, cyclists have priority over pedestrians.
преимущество перед
I picked up some professional _ (жаргон) in my current company.
I picked up some professional jargon in my current company.
Irina thinks _ (её) town doesn’t need more bike lanes
Irina thinks her town doesn’t need more bike lanes.
Alla tries to a_ rush hour by going outside 10-15 minutes before it starts. (= избежать)
Alla tries to avoid rush hour by going outside 10-15 minutes before it starts.
or: beat rush hour
In Amsterdam, cyclists have p_ over pedestrians.
= преимущество перед
In Amsterdam, cyclists have priority over pedestrians.
a four-star hotel
the stress is like in Russian: оТЕЛЬ
Some of our colleagues relocated _ Spain.
Some of our colleagues relocated to Spain.
We’ve been _ Japan with our Japanese friend.
We’ve been to Japan with our Japanese friend.
We wouldn’t have m_ without our friends who spoke Japanese.
= не справились бы
We wouldn’t have managed without our friends who spoke Japanese.
The Japanese are very r_ (замкнутые) people.
The Japanese are very reserved people.
When I heard _ _ news that they had this tsunami…
When I heard on the news that they had this tsunami…
(As or Like?)
_ Japanese people, we also take off our shoes when we enter a flat.
(As or Like?)
Like Japanese people, we also take off our shoes when we enter a flat. = как и
not будучи японцами = As Japanese people…
Mustn’t or don’t have to?
In Russia, we _ tip at restaurants.
In Russia, we don’t have to tip at restaurants.
mustn’t = if you do, they’ll call the police
Maybe a new parent would need a coffee maker too, because they don’t _ enough sleep.
Maybe a new parent would need a coffee maker too, because they don’t get enough sleep.
I don’t have to get to the office at a s_ time. (= к конкретному времени)
I don’t have to get to the office at a specific time. (= к конкретному времени)
Since I live in a small Arabian district, I don’t have to d_ _ (= иметь дело с) heavy traffic - I can get around on foot.
Since I live in a small Arabian district, I don’t have to deal with (= иметь дело с) heavy traffic - I can get around on foot.
In my experience, _ might want to avoid (= лучше избегать) heavy meals before going to the gym.
In my experience, YOU might want to avoid (= лучше избегать) heavy meals before going to the gym.
безличное предложение = you
What’s the difference in meaning?
Nobody cares about your
1 dressing?
2 clothes?
Nobody cares about your
dressing? = заправка для салата
clothes? = одежда = the way you dress
Julia works from home most of the time, so she doesn’t have to waste time _ (commute).
Julia works from home most of the time, so she doesn’t have to waste time commuting.
waste time + doing something
[reformulate with ‘experience]
Katerina + might wanna avoid going to the sauna before singing
In Katerina’s experience, you might want to avoid going to the sauna before singing.
I spend about an hour every day _ (play) with my cat. She needs some activity
I spend about an hour every day playing with my cat. She needs some activity
construct a sentence:
One thing Julia likes
watching films in English
she doesn’t have to listen to the irritating voices of voice-over artists.
One thing Julia likes about watching films in English is that she doesn’t have to listen to the irritating voices of voice-over artists.
I tend to prioritize certain expenses, like rent, health insurance, and saving for vacations.
I tend to prioritize certain expenses, like my _ payments (= взносы за ипотеку), …
I tend to prioritize certain expenses, like my mortgage payments.
[word formation]
For me, this is not a _ (prioritize >> a noun)
[word formation]
For me, this is not a priority.
On a typical workday morning, I get up, I _ (умываюсь)..
On a typical workday morning, I get up, I get washed….
On a typical workday morning, I get up, I get washed and then I _ myself a cup of tea.
On a typical workday morning, I get up, I get washed and then I make myself a cup of tea.
make tea/coffee (not ‘cook’)
have tea/coffee (not ‘drink’)
What’s the difference in meaning?
a loan /ləʊn/
a mortgage /ˈmɔːɡɪdʒ/
a loan = кредит
a mortgage = ипотека - кредит на жильё