Describing houses Flashcards
a basement
(ступенька: a step)
It’s on the fourth floor of a modern block of flats and it’s got v_ _ the sea!
(= вид на море)
It’s on the fourth floor of a modern block of flats and it’s got views of the sea!
дверной замок
a lock
an attic
I’ve got to move _ _ this house on Tuesday.
(= выехать)
I’ve got to move out of this house by Tuesday.
I’m r_ it for six months and if I like it I’ll stay longer.
(= снимаю)
I’m renting it for six months and if I like it I’ll stay longer.
a landing
You should come and visit. If it’s sunny, we can sit on the b_ and look at the sea!
(= на балконе)
You should come and visit. If it’s sunny, we can sit on the balcony and look at the sea!
She lives in a two-room _ flat.
(= она живёт в квартире в подвале/на нулевом этаже)
She lives in a two-room basement flat.
a balcony
входная дверь
the front door
/ˈfrʌnt dɔː/
второй этаж
the first floor
He climbed the wooden _ and rang the bell.
(= поднялся по деревянным ступенькам)
He climbed the wooden steps and rang the bell.
It’s on the fourth f_ of a modern block of flats and it’s got views of the sea!
(=на третьем этаже)
It’s on the fourth floor of a modern block of flats and it’s got views of the sea!
I’ve got to move out of this house on Tuesday, but I can’t move _ my new place until Friday, so I’ll be staying with my parents for a few days next week.
(= въехать)
I’ve got to move out of this house on Tuesday, but I can’t move into my new place until Friday, so I’ll be staying with my parents for a few days next week.
BrE a flat
AmE: an apartment
I’m m_ _ next Friday, so here’s my new address…
(= переезжаю)
I’m moving house next Friday, so here’s my new address…
I heard the _ ring, and went to see who was there.
(= я услышал, как звенит дверной звонок)
I heard the doorbell ring, and went to see who was there.
I’ve got to move out of this house on Tuesday, but I can’t move into my new place until Friday, so I’ll be s_ _ my parents for a few days next week.
(= остановлюсь, поживу у родителей пару дней)
I’ve got to move out of this house on Tuesday, but I can’t move into my new place until Friday, so I’ll be staying with my parents for a few days next week.
многоквартирный дом
a block of flats
/ˈblɒk əv flæts /
It’s on the fourth floor of a modern b_ _ f_ and it’s got views of the sea!
(= многоквартирный дом)
It’s on the fourth floor of a modern block of flats and it’s got views of the sea!
a terrace
/ ˈterəs/
Jenny sat on the _ in front of the house, waiting.
(= на ступеньке)
Jenny sat on the step in front of the house, waiting.
Close to the villa is a big pool with a sun t_ around it.
(= терраса, веранда)
Close to the villa is a big pool with a sun terrace around it.
дверной звонок
a doorbell
первый этаж
the ground floor
/ˈgraʊnd flɔː/
The n_ is quiet, but there are some nice cafés and shops nearby.
(= район)
The neighbourhood is quiet, but there are some nice cafés and shops nearby.
[context: describing a flat]
It’s _ a good l_.
(=в хорошем месте)
It’s in a good location.
a drain