Feed Stuff Terminology (Exam 3) Flashcards
A class of a drug. They are usually synthesized by a living microorganism and in proper concentration inhibit the growth of other microorganisms.
Secondary products produced in addition to the principal product.
All materials distributed for use as feed or for mixing feed or for mixing in feed, for animals other than humans.
commercial feed
A nutritionally adequate feed for animals other than humans, which by specific formula is compounded to be fed as the sole ration and is capable of maintaining life and/or promoting production without any additional substance being consumed except water.
complete feed
A feed used with another to improve the nutritive balance of the total and intended to be future diluted and mixed to produce a supplement or a complete feed.
Particle size reduced by a combined breaking and crushing action.
Pelleted feed reduced to granular form.
Having removed the outer covering from grains or other seeds.
Having been freed of moisture by thermal means.
Feed ingredient or mixture of ingredients, including water, that is consumed by animals.
A process by which feed has been pressed, pushed or protruded through orifices under pressure.
Edible material consumed by animals that contributes energy and/or nutrients to the animal’s diet. Usually refers to animals rather than humans.
An article intended to be further diluted to produce a complete feed or a feed additive supplement and not suitable for offering as a supplement or offering free choice without dilution.
feed additive
Suitable for animal consumption.
feed grade
An ingredient rolled or cut into flat pieces without prior steam conditioning.
When used in reference to animals, this is synonymous with feed.
A feeding system by which animals are given unlimited access to the separate components or groups of components constituting the diet.
free choice
Seed from cereal plants.
Grain from which the hull has been removed.
Reduced in particle size by impact, shearing or attrition.
An ingredient that has been ground or otherwise reduced in particle size.
Any feed that contains drug ingredients intended or represented for the cure, mitigation, treatment or prevention of diseases of animals other than humans or that contains drug ingredients intended to affect the structure or function of the body of animals other than humans.
medicated feed
To combine by agitation two or more materials to a specific degree of dispersion.
Having agglomerated feed by compacting it and forcing it through die openings.
A uniform mixture of one or more micro-ingredients with diluent and/or carrier.
Any of a class of naturally occurring complex combinations of amino acids.
Large pellets designed to be fed on the ground.
range cube
The amount of the total feed provided to one animal over a 24-hour period.
Having changed the shape and/or size of particles by compressing between rollers.
Whole, cracked, or coarsely cut grain.
Having separated various-sized particles by passing them over and/or through screens.
Having treated ingredients with steam to alter physical and/or chemical properties.
A feed used with another to improve the nutritive balance or performance of the total and intended to be fed a supplement, free choice or mixed.
Mineral nutrients required by animals in micro amounts only (measured in milligrams per pound of feed or smaller amounts).
trace mineral
Organic compounds that function as parts of enzyme systems essential for the transmission of energy and the regulation of metabolism of the body.