Feed milling Flashcards
The process of converting agricultural
materials into suitable kind of feeds for
animal use.
a. Feed milling
b. Food processing
c. Feed preservation
d. None of the above
Feed milling
The process in feed milling operation in
order to obtain the desired formulation
that includes such operation as weighing
and volumetric dosing of feed materials.
a. Milling and flaking
b. Blending and mixing
c. Weighing and bagging
d. None of the above
Blending and mixing
Which of the following grain processing
methods is a dry process?
a. Grinding
b. Pelleting
c. Extruding
d. Popping
e. All of the above
All of the above
The assembling and measuring of the
required quantities of raw materials into
batch of desired operation.
a. Mixing
b. Blending
c. Grinding
d. None of the above
The process of obtaining a
homogenous mixture of feeds so that
animal can be offered with different
nutrients in the desired proportion.
a. Mixing
b. Blending
c. Grinding
d. None of the above
The process of making feeds into
acceptable solid particles so nutrients is
properly distributed.
a. Mixing
b. Pelleting
c. Grinding
d. None of the above
Pelleting of feeds in the feed milling
plant is done after ___.
a. cleaning
b. grinding
c. mixing
d. None of the above
The steam is used in feed milling plant
during ___ process.
a. bending
b. mixing
c. grinding
d. pelleting
e. None of the above
The process of preparing raw
materials for mixing and making them
digestible to the animals.
a. Blending
b. Grinding
c. Pelleting
The most commonly used grinding
equipment in feed milling plants.
a. Roller mill
b. Attrition mill
c. Hammer mill
Hammer mill
The mixing time of vertical mixer.
a. 15 to 30 min
b. 30 to 60 min
c. 60 to 120 min
d. None of the above
15 to 30 min
Any substance or product including
additives, whether processed, partially
processed or unprocessed, intended for
oral feeding to animals.
a. Food
c. Feed materials
d. None of the above
. Feed
Which of the following is not a feed
a. Corn bran
b. Blood meal
c. Cassava meal
d. Fish mill
e. Brown sugar
f. None of the above
Brown sugar
Which of the following grain
processing methods is a wet process?
a. Soaking
b. Steam flaking
c. Exploding
d. All of the above
All of the above
This refers to various products from
vegetable or animal origin in their natural
state, fresh or preserved, products derived
from industrial processing, and organic or
inorganic substances, whether or not
containing additives, which are intended
for oral animal feeding either directly as
such or after processing, in the
preparation of compound feeding stuff or
as carriers of premixtures.
a. Feed
b. Feed material
c. Feedstock
d. None of the above
Feed material
Cleaning and drying of feed materials
are done in the milling plant after ___.
a. grinding the feed material
b. pelleting the feed material
c. reception of raw material
d. None of the above
reception of raw material
The principal liquid ingredient in feed
milling plant.
a. Water
b. Molasses
c. Coconut oil
d. None of the above
Which of the following is not a
mineral supplement in the production of
a. Calcium phosphate
b. Oyster shell
c. Steamed bone meal
d. Limestone
e. All of the above
f. None of the above
None of the above
Quality control in feed milling plant is
basically done ___.
a. at the receiving center
b. after pelleting process
c. both at the receiving center and after
pelleting process
d. None of the above
at the receiving center
Segregation of feed materials and
ingredients is facilitated when there is
___ variations on the specific density of
materials to be mixed.
a. lower
b. higher
c. lower and higher
d. None of the above
lower and higher
Homogeneity of particles during
mixing can be better achieved for ___
a. small-particle
b. large-particle
c. small and large
d. None of the above
The more uniform is the particle size
of materials, the ___ homogeneity is
a. easier
b. difficult
c. harder
A mechanical feeding device that
controls the flow of feeds through the
amplitude of the vibration and by
regulating the thickness of the layer of
feeds with the use of a slide.
a. Rotating lock feeder
b. Feed rolls
c. Vibratory feeder
d. None of the above
Vibratory feeder
A mechanical feeding device that
controls the flow of feeds through the
speed of rotation of the compartment
valve .
a. Rotating lock feeder
b. Feed rolls
c. Vibratory feeder
d. None of the above
Rotating lock feeder
In feed milling plant, gravity conveyors
for dry grains require a minimum slope of
a. 26 degrees
b. 35 degrees
c. 60 degrees
d. None of the above
35 degrees
In feed milling plant, gravity
conveyors for meal and light ingredients
require a minimum slope of ___.
a. 26 degrees
b. 35 degrees
c. 60 degrees
d. None of the above
60 degrees
The conveyor used in feed milling
plants for distributing materials over
a. Belt conveyor
b. Screw conveyor
c. Chain conveyor
d. None of the above
Chain conveyor
For the same size of a conveyor unit,
chain conveyors has ___ capacity over
screw conveyors.
a. lower
b. higher
c. the same
d. None of the above
The typical speed requirement for
chain conveyor in a feed milling plant.
a. 10 to 20 m/min
b. 20 to 30 m/min
c. 30 to 40 m/min
d. None of the above
20 to 30 m/min
The usual storage period for mixed
a. 2 to 7 days
b. 8 to 15 days
c. 16 to 30 days
d. None of the above
2 to 7 days
The standard size of pallet for 25-kg
bag feeds.
a. 120 cm x 80 cm
b. 120 cm x 100 cm
c. 120 cm x 160 cm
d. None of the above
120 cm x 80 cm
The standard size of pallet for 50-kg
bag feeds.
a. 120 cm by 80 cm
b. 120 cm by 100 cm
c. 120 cm x 160 cm
d. None of the above
120 cm x 160 cm
The approximate rpm of a batch-type
feed mixer.
a. 25 rpm
b. 100 rpm
c. 150 rpm
d. None of the above
25 rpm
Vertical mixer has ___ mixing time
compared with batch mixer.
a. shorter
b. longer
c. the same
- The power requirement of a vertical
mixer is ___ than that of the batch-type
feed mixer.
a. lower
b. higher
c. the same with
d. None of the above
. The important functions of feed
nutrient is to serve ___.
a. as a structural material for building and
maintaining the body structure of animals
b. as a source of energy for heat
production, work, and fat deposition
c. for regulating body processes or in the
formation of body produced regulators
d. All of the above
All of the above
Which of the following are
compositions of feed nutrients?
a. Carbohydrates
b. Fats
c. Proteins
d. Vitamins
e. Water
f. All of the above
g. Three of the above
All of the above
A system of approximating the value
of a feedstock or material for feeding
purposes without actually using the feed
in a feeding trial.
a. Nutrient analysis
b. Feed composition analysis
c. Proximate analysis
d. All of the above
c. Proximate analysis
- The proximate analysis of feedstuff is
composed of ___.
a. Water
b. crude protein
c. crude fat or ether extract
d. crude fiber
e. nitrogen-free extract
f. mineral matter or ash
g. All of the above
h. Three of the above
i. Five of the above
All of the above
The process of passing the grains
between a closely-fitted set of plain- or
smooth-surface rollers to produce flat
shape feeds.
a. Rolling
b. Flaking
c. Crimping
d. All of the above
The process of passing the grains
between corrugated rollers instead of
smooth rollers.
a. Rolling
b. Flaking
c. Crimping
d. All of the above
Grains are basically processed to
produce ground materials in order to
provide ___ animals a suitable feed
nutrients they required.
a. very young
b. very old
c. full grown
d. All of the above
e. Two of the above
f. None of the above
Two of the above
Which of the following livestock
chew grains fairly thoroughly and don’t
need mechanically processed grains?
a. Calves 2-6 months of age
b. Sheep and lambs
c. Horses and mules
d. Fattening pigs
e. All of the above
All of the above
The best size of ground grains for
animal feed.
a. Coarse grinding (cracked )
b. Medium grinding (coarse meal)
c. Fine grinding (dust and flour size)
d. All of the above
Medium grinding (coarse meal)
Which of the following is an
advantage of pelleting?
a. Less dusty
b. Reduces storage space requirement
c. More palatable
d. All of the above
e. None of the above
All of the above