farm assurance Flashcards
At what part along the food chain do health hazards commonly happen ?
-bacterial contamination occurs at farm or cross contamination within the processing plant e.g listeria outbreak , salmonella found in icecream
-chemical contamination - delibrate illegal adulteration e.g melamine (use melamine to fool test for protein ), rapeseed oil (use industrial oil as food oil )
How do hazards begin on farm , at processor, at consumer ?
-farm - prevelance of pathogens , healthy animals
-processor - AM ,PM , hygiene and controls
-consumer - hygiene and cooking , storage , sourcing best products
How can hazards happen at Farm , processor, consumer ?
-farm - rising prevalence of pathogens ,intensively managed, flocks/herds
-processor - failure of controls , complex supply chain , fraudulent behaviour
-consumer - food hygiene and provenance
Key control points from farm , processor and consumer .
-farm - farm assurance to reduce risk of hazards , inspection and audit
-processor - testing , inspection/audit , HACCP
-consumer - education
What is farm assurance ?
-A way of letting consumers know that the meat is sustainibly and ethically sourced , safe to eat and of good quality
The effect of consumer demands and foodbourne diseases
-food-bourne health incident is huge - can ruin the reputation of a supermarket
-pressure on the supermarkeys has led to increasing standars along the whole supply chain
-consumer concerns increase standards
What does LISA stand for ? what does it mean ?
Longitudinal integrated food assurance - has become the norm that everyone along the supply chain has a responsibility to reduce risks
What are the 4 main pillars of LISA ?
-monitoring and surveillance
-risk assessment
-tracebility and chain information