epidemiology Flashcards
study of disease in populations
disease found in or restricted to particular region
Ro less than 1
transmissibility rate
Epidemic disease
a level of disease in a population significantly greater than usual
Ro is more than 1
What ways can we assess the cause of a disease ?
-struc/shape of epidemic curve
-case-control studies - compare between diseased and non-diseased
-cohort studies - look at individuals that were or were not exposed to risk factor and see if get disease
How can we interpret data collected from cohort and case-control studies ?
-odds ratio - OR more than 1 risk facto associated with disease , OR less than 1 not associated
-relative risk ratio -RR same as above - if RR more than 1 and vice versa
How can we compare an unknown disease in humans and animals?
PCR fingerprinting
DNA sequencing
and then compare
What to consider when controlling/preventing a disease ?
-host - vaccinate
-environment - movement restriction , quarantine , control vectors
-pathogen -drugs
Elements of disease eradication
-pre-emptive - if exposed slaughtered
-blanket culling - on contagious premises culled
-stamping out - one of the above in combo with disinfection , burning carcases