FAR - Specific Transactions, Events, & Disclosures - Earnings Per Share Flashcards
EPS measures profitability of a company relative to how much you own of that company?
earnings/shares = EPS
2 types of EPS
Basic EPS = historical EPS, computed on common shares outstanding ONLY and net income
Diluted EPS = hypothetical EPS, includes assumed conversion of potential common stock (PCS - stock options, convertible securities - items convertible to C/S in future)
What EPS represents?
Ratio -> income available to common shares / Weighted Avg shares of Common O/S
- computed ONLY for C/S
- Common stock divs have NO effect on EPS
- EPS is not amount of common dividends to be paid
Basic EPS
(Net income - Preferred Stock Divs) / WACC
*o/s isn’t year end
Diluted EPS
(NI - Preferred stock divs + Adj. to income for assumed PCS) / (WACC + Shares from assumed PCS)
“as if calculation” to see impact on EPS “IF” all PCS were converted
*basic eps is benchmark
EPS Reporting Requirements
1) BEPS required to be reported (simple capital structure)
2) DEPS reported ONLY if firm has dilutive PCS (complex capital structure)
Both types are shown on the face of the income statement:
- income from continuing operations
- discontinued operations
- net income
amount of preferred dividends is subtracted for noncumulative preferred stock?
Declared amount
dividends subtracted in computing basic EPS are (1) the annual dividend commitment on cumulative preferred whether or not declared or paid, and (2) declared dividends on noncumulative preferred whether paid or not. The firm has negative income. This answer means that the dividends reduce the numerator further - beyond the loss.
noncumulative dividends are included because they were declared and one year of cumulative dividends is always included, regardless of whether they were declared. Cumulative dividends must be paid before common receives any dividends
BEPS Numerator
amount of preferred stock divs to subtract from net income
- subtract 1 full year of cumulative preferred stock divs regardless of amount declared/paid
- subtract declared amount of preferred stock divs if NOT cumulative
BEPS Denominator
Computing weighted average shares when stock issued/purchased from treasury during the year; how to handle stock divs/splits
- stock dividends/splits are retroactively applied to BOY
- any stock issuance/treasury stock purchase before a stock div/split is adj.
- div/split also applied to statements of earlier periods shown comparatively
Define “contingent shares”.
Shares issuable for little or no cash consideration upon satisfaction of certain conditions.
accounting effect of a stock split dividend between balance sheet date and issuance?
Adjustment of all earnings per share (EPS) amounts for stock split or dividend.
When are contingent shares considered outstanding?
when their conditions have been met
EPS is used primarily as an input to predictions of future earnings. The stock split and dividend cause the number of shares outstanding to increase, and thus affect the future earnings prospects on a per share basis. These events should be included in the computation of EPS even though they did not occur as of the balance sheet date. Financial statement users view the information as if it were current as of the date of publication.
Potentially Convertible Securities
Different PCS, user different techniques when computing the numerator/denominator
1) Convertible P/S & bonds, use the “if converted” method -> convertible securities assumed to be converted
2) Stock options/warrants, use “treasury stock method” -> options/warrants assumed to have been exercised
3) more than 1 PCS, use dilution/Antidilution method - use PCS that is most dilutive first
Multiple PC
- compute numerator/denominator effect for each PCS
- enter PCS with lowest ratio/compute an initial value for DEPS
- keep going until you have either:
1) entered all PCS
2) find antidilutive PCS -> STOP
- never allowed for Income from continuing operations, BUT may occur for other subtotals
- When IFCO = negative, don’t assume exercise/conversion of any PCS & DEPS
When are stock options antidilutive?
when option price > market price
order of inclusion of preferred common stock into diluted earnings per share?
in order of most dilutive first
Which potential common stock (PCS) is the most dilutive when there are multiple PCS?
one with the lowest ratio of numerator effect/denominator effect.
Gaap vs IFRS
Dilutive EPS
dilution calculated cumulatively
Dilution calculated each period
If the denominator is decreased by purchasing treasury stock, then the EPS result is increased.
smaller denominator = bigger number
bigger numerator = bigger number