FAR - NFP - Colleges & universities Flashcards
GAAP for Colleges & Universities
- Non-gov’t
Public University
- Gov’t
Tuition revenues recorded @ gross (less any tuition refunds) and reported net of uncollectible accts & scholarships allowances
Scholarship Allowances: awards to students cover tuition, pell grants, “reduction in charges” and don’t involve actual payment of resources
Scholarship Expense: involve actual expenditure of resources
Tuition waivers ( to employees) = expenses
Grant Revenues
Gov’t Colleges/Universities
Government C&U:
Operating grants, including state appropriations, & non-capital gifts reported as NON-OPERATING revenues
- operating grants are contracts (grantor expects something in return)
- Capital grants/gifts reported after nonoperating revenues (expenses)
Grant Revenues
Private Colleges/Universities
Operating Revenues (look for restrictions if any for proper net asset section)
Auxiliary Enterprises
Provide goods/service not directly related to mission of colleges/universities
- residence halls
- food service
- bookstore
- parking
Auxiliary rev/exp are aggregated, reported as single line items in operating section
1) Balance Sheet
2) Statement of Activities
3) Statement of CFs
1) Statement of Net Position
2) Statement of Revenues, Expenses, & Changes in Net Position
3) Statement of CFs
1) Unrestricted N/A
2) Temp Rest. N/A
3) Perm. Rest. N/A
1) Net invest. in Capital
2) Restricted Net Position
3) Unrestricted Net Position
Fund Types
1) Current Funds
2) Plant Funds
3) Trust/Agency Funds
Note: Financial Reporting = entity-wide
*fund-level reporting is NOT required
Current Funds
- Unrestricted
- Restricted (externally restricted for current operating purposes)
Plant Funds
1) unexpended plant funds (financial resources for acquisition of new assets)
2) plant funds for renewals/replacements (resources for renovations)
3) plant funds for retirement of indebtedness (resources for debt service)
4) Investment in plant (record fixed assets & long-term debt)
Trust & Agency Funds
- Loan funds: loans for students, faculty, staff
- Endowment funds: permanent/term endowments from gifts
- Annuity & Life Income Funds
Bequest revenues
disclosed and not recorded as revenue