FAR - NFP - Special Issues Flashcards
1) Regular Endowments
2) Other Endowments:
- Quasi
- Term
- Board Designated
Regular (Pure) Endowments
- external party donates w/stipulation must remain intact forever “perm restricted n/a” (cannot be spent)
Endowment Earnings:
- restricted - (temp rest. n/a)
- no restriction - (unrest. n/a)
Term Endowments
- principal donated by external party to be invested and then spent after time passed = “temp restricted n/a”
Quasi Endowment
- principal set aside by governing body rather than external party.
- accounted for as “unrestricted”
Board Designated Endowment
- governing body set aside funds to spend for specific purpose
- accounted for as “unrestricted” shown as a “reserve in unrestricted”
Split Interest Agreement
1) NPO may share benefits in a trust with donor or 3rd party beneficiaries
2) Characteristics:
- revocable OR irrevocable
- time period
- distributions
- lead interest (NPO receives dist. during agreement term)
- remainder interest (dist. only @ end of agreement)
Split Interest Agreement Recognition/Measurement
- record asset @ FV
- Liab for annuity portion due to donor or 3rd parties
- contribution revenue for NPO’s portion
Split Interest Agreement Recognition/Measurement
- similar to pledge
- record assets @ FV AND a refundable advance
- contribution revenue = recognized when trust = irrevocable OR funds dist. to NPO @ end of agreement
NPOs account for ALL investments @ FV
- gains/losses reported as changes to unrestricted N/A unless there is a donor imposed restriction
- NPOs don’t use trading, avail-for-sale, and HTM classifications of investments
NPO Fund Acct
- NPOs rarely use budgetary OR encumbrance acct (common with gov’t acct)
- Fund acct is allowed, but since external reporting is aggregated (entity-wide), fund acct has a secondary role
Funds used by VHWO
Fund Types:
1) unrestricted current fund
2) restricted current fund
3) custodian fund
4) endowment fund
5) loan/annuity fund
6) land, building, equip. fund
*Fund acct = not required for financial reporting