Family Violence/Human Trafficking (Exam 3) Flashcards
Violence and trafficking demographics
• 1 in 4 women (more than 20%)/1 in 10 men (14%) are victims of intimate partner violence (IPV) 10 MIL PEOPLE
• more than 19,000 calls are made to IPV hotlines a day
• 1 in 7 children experience abuse/neglect, 5 children dying each day (656,000 a year) required by law to report
• 1 in 10 people older than 60 go through elder abuse a day (underreported, MUST REPORT, most commonly adult child or spouse)
Physical violence
use of force that could cause death, disability, injury
Sexual violence
any attempted or completed sex acts without consent
rape, unwanted sexual contact, exposure to sexual situations
repeated, unwanted attention that leads to fear (repeated phone calls, spying, damaging personal property)
Psychological Aggression
form of emotional abuse wherein the aggressor uses verbal/nonverbal communication to exert control or harm person emotionally
failure to provide for a child’s basic needs
prenatal drug exposure, child abandonment, manufacturing of meth in presence of child
Emotional abuse
any pattern of behavior that harms a child’s emotional development or sense of self worth
frequent belittling, rejection, threats, withholding love and support
Neglect (Elder abuse)
failure of the caregiver to prevent harm
failure to meet basic needs like hygiene, nutrition/hydration, clothing, shelter and medical care
Financial elder abuse/exploitation
unauthorized/improper use of elders resources for monetary or personal benefit, profit, gain
forgery, theft, improper use of guardianship or power of attorney
Human trafficking demographics
more than 40 people worldwide (labor, forced marriages)
mostly women and girls (71%)
25% are children
Documentation for suspected abuse
• detailed, nonbiased progress notes, injury maps, and photos
• phrases that identify the reported perpetrator and severe threats of harm are important
• quote/paraphrase history exactly as patient describes
• separate from suspected abuser during interview
• prior written consent to take photos should be obtained from all cognitively intact adults
a wound caused by rubbing the skin or mucous membrane
tearing away of a structure or part
superficial discoloration caused by hemorrhage into the tissues from ruptured blood vessels beneath the skin surface, without the skin itself being broken (contusion)
a bruise; injury to tissues without the breakage of skin; blood from broken blood vessels accumulate, producing pain, swelling, tenderness
a hemorrhagic spot or blotch, larger than petechia, in the skin or mucous membrane, forming a non elevated rounded or irregular blue or purplish patch
a localized collection of extravasated blood, usually clotted in an organ, space or tissue
a cut or wound made by a sharp instrument, the act of cutting
the act of tearing or splitting; a wound produced by the tearing or splitting of body tissue, usually from blunt impact over a bony surface
a broad term referring to any pathologic or traumatic discontinuity of tissue or loss of function of a part
Patterned injury
an injury caused by an object that leaves a distinct pattern on the skin/organ (being whipped with an extension cord) or an injury caused by a unique mechanism of injury (immersion burns to the hands or feet (glove or sock))
Pattern of injuries
usually bruises and fractures in various stages of healing
minute, pinpoint, nonraised, perfectly round purplish red spots caused by intradermal or submucous hemorrhage, which later turn blue or yellow
Stab wound
a penetrating, sharp, cutting injury that is deeper than it is wide
Traumatic alopecia
loss of hair from pulling and yanking by other traumatic means
a general term referring to a bodily injury caused by physical means
Subjective Data
• know tools in facility so you can screen for abuse
• “tell me what happened”
• listen for cues of abuse like explanations that don’t match injury or inability to keep story straight
• frequently seeking care for injuries is another potential indicator
“do you feel safe at home?”
Hurt, Insult, Threaten, Scream (HITS)
Child abuse/neglect screening
subjective data will come from caregiver, BE ATTENTIVE TO INTERACTION BETWEEN CAREGIVER AND CHILD
history should be obtained away from caregiver through open ended questions
Human trafficking screening
no standard tool
HEAL Protocol14
Adult Human Trafficking Screening Tool and Guide
Objective Data: Bruising
document size, color, pattern of bruises
do not try to determine timing of injury
do not guess what created bruise
objectively describe findings in EMR
Suspected elder abuse victims should be screened for…
• complete blood count (CBC) with platelet level
• basic blood chemistries (blood urea nitrogen (BUN), creatinine, protein, albumin)
• serum liver function tests
• coagulation panel
• urinalysis
Suspected sexual abuse/human trafficking victims should be screened for…
Burn injuries
Suspicious bruising
belt and buckle
nasal fracture
thigh bruises
defensive wounds