Bedside Assessment and Electronic Documentation (Final) Flashcards
Hospital Setting Requirements
some measurements like daily weight, abdominal girth and limb circumference must be consistently measured
Health History Sequence on your way to the room
note and verify necessary markers of flags are in place at doorway regarding such conditions as isolation precautions, latex allergies or fall precautions
Once in the room…
- hand hygiene
- introduce yourself (AIDET)
- make direct eye contact and ask Q’s relative to overall status and pain
- refer to what you heard from previous shift in process of questioning
- assess for pain/provide comfort
Nutritional status
weight appears in healthy range, even fat distribution, hydration appears healthy
Pain Meds
if pain med is given, note response in 15 min. for IV administration or within 1 hr for oral
Neurological System
eyes open spontaneously to name
motor response strong and bilateral
verbal response makes sense/clear and articulate
pupil size in mm and r/l reaction
any ptosis, facial droop
ability to swallow
Respiratory System
oxygen by mask, nasal prongs, check fitting
note FiO2
respiratory effort
ask patient to cough and deep breath, note presence of mucus
incentive spirometer usage
Doppler Imaging
be prepared to assess pulses in LE if you can’t find them by palpation
complete any standardized scales used to quantify risk for skin breakdown
verify that any air loss or pressure loss surfaces being used are properly applied and operated at correct setting
Foley catheter: check color, quantity, clarity and amount with each VS check
if output is below expected value, perform a bladder scan according to agency protocol
note activity order, if pt is on bed rest HOB should be elevated
note if SCDs or TEDs are ordered and follow protocol
if ambulatory, assist pt to sitting level and move to chair
note any assistance needed and ability to transfer
Findings that require immediate assistance
• BP >160 systolic or <90
• temp <96° or >100° F
• SpO2 <92%
• urine output <30 mL/hr or <240 mL/8hrs
• dark amber/bloody urine except for urology patients
• postoperative n/v
• sudden restlessness or anxiety
comprehensive record of pt info and relevant clinical data (standard of care)
don’t include billing and scheduling systems but focus on pt info
Legislation HITECH Act
21st Century Cares Act
Patient Safety
use of computer physics order entry (CPOE) has decreased transcription and prescribing orders
bar code scanners usage for med admin and built in checklists to help maintain safety