Family - sociology Flashcards
Who are the key fuctionalist sociologists ?
What are Murdocks 4 functions of the family ?
Sexual function
Reproductive function
Economic function
What are Parsons 2 key functions of the family ?
Primary socalisation
Stabilisation of adult personalties
What is the main functionalist view of the family ?
The functionalist approach to families focuses on the positive and important functions that the nuclear family perform on indviduals & socitey
What are the criticisms of the fuctionalist perspective ?
- Marxists are critical of the nuclear family, as they see it as functional for capitalist society.
Socialising children into accepting the values of capitalism serves capitalism - Feminists are also critical of the nuclear family as they see it as a major source of female oppression
Nuclear families imprison women in their own homes, tied to children and housework
The apparent increase in domestic violence in the home shows that families are not a safe haven and that family life doesn’t always contribute to members’ wellbeing
Who is the key marxist sociologist ?
What are Zaretsky’s key ideas ?
- Families serve as a buffer against the negative effects of capitalisim, not as a source of emotional support
- The role of the family is to reproduce labour - proletariat families reproduces the future generation of exploited workers
- The family is a vital unit of consumption - child centered socitey
What are the criticisms of the marxist perspective ?
- Feminists argue that Marxists, like functionalists, ignore family diversity as they tend to work with the traditional model of the nuclear family, with a male breadwinner and female housewife
- Functionalists view the nuclear family in positive terms as meeting the needs of individuals and industrial society
Who are the key feminist sociologists ?
Delphy & leonard
What are Delphy & Leonard’s key ideas ?
- They view the family as a patriarchal institution that men benefit from, as women are expected to do unpaid work inside the home
- The family is based on a hierarchy - The husband is at the top
What is meant by the dual burden ?
When women go out to work to earn money & then come home and have to do domestic work and childcare
What are the criticicsms of the feminist perspective
Delphy and Leonard do not consider egalitarian families that share power between their members
Marxist approaches argue that inequalities within families is linked to capitalism rather than patriarchy
Functionalists see the structure of the family as meeting the needs of individuals (including females) and society
What is a nuclear family ?
A mother & father and their children
What is an extended family ?
Multiple generations in one household
What is a beanpole family ?
When there are many generations with few children in each one