Family In Society Flashcards
Blood relationship exist between family member
Process where individual learns norms,values,behaviour and society skills in order to behave in acceptable manner in society
Group of people who share common way of life
Social group
Subgroups of people within society who share common purpose
Normal pattern of behaviour that individuals expect to follow within society
Attitude and beliefs held by society of wha is righ and wrong
Social mobility
Movement of individuals between socio economic groups
Social change
Changes tha take place in society due to major developments (technology law reform)
Structures of modern families
Nuclear family
Parents and children
- small size
- dual-income household, both parents work
- economically self sufficient
- household tasks equally shared regardless of gender
- feeling of isolation or loneliness
Extended families
- large in size
- economically interdependent reliant on family business
- support provided by other family member’s in crisis
- long lasting family
One parents
One parents and children
- 86% headed by females
- lone parents often live with own parents
- dependent social welfare payments
- emotional difficulties
Blended families
Two parents and children from previous relationships
- family size increase
- conflict between step siblings
- children’s relationship with biological parents challenging
- financial strain as two families need to be supported
Social changes
Changes in role of women Same sex marriage and adoption Martial breakdown (divorce)
Economic changes
High cost living
The economy
State benefits