Net migration
Different between the numbers emigrating and immigrating
Neo conventional family
(Chester) A family that has partners who both work and may not be married
Nuclear family
Adult male, female and their dependent offspring
Primary socialisation
Instilling basic skills and values in young children
Reconstituted family
When a couple, previously married with children, come together and get married to form another family (step families)
Regional diversity
There tend to be distinctive patterns in family life in different areas of GB
Sexual division of labour
The way work in the home and workplace is appointed according to gender
When religious thinking, practises and organisations lose their social significance
Segregated gender roles
Husband and wife with a clear cut division of labour
Serial monogomy
Having several marriage partners over the course of ones life one at a time
Social construction
Created by society and/or social attitudes
Stabilisation of adult personalities
(Parsons) A key role of the family in supporting its members emotionally
Structurally isolated
The nuclear family is isolated to the extended family
symmetrical family
(Willmott + Young) Roles are shared more or less evenly in the family, though they may be gender segregated
Triple shift
Paid work, housework and an emotional role played by women
Unit of consumption
The family consumes goods and contributes to the economy this way
Unit of production
In modern industrial societies, individuals work for their money
Populations increasingly live in towns and cities rather than in the village and countryside
Warm bath theory
Where the husband arrives at home after a stressful day to his family who provide emotional support for him to return to work refreshed