The biological basis for age groups, Agee described the journey between north and death in years
Ascribed status
A social position faced by birth that can’t be changed from your own efforts
possession of power which is seen as legitimate by those whom it is wielded
Beanpole family
Modern day family where people have fewer children. but are living longer so family trees become longer and thinner
Birth rate
total ratio of live births to total population in a community over a period of time
The illegal marriage of a person to more than one person
Cereal packet family
Associated with Edmund Leach to describe the romantic image of the traditional two parent family featured on the back of corn flake packets in the 1960’s
Child centeredness
a family where activity and emotional energy is focused on the children rather than the adults desires
Confluent love
Active and casual love rather than ‘forever’ notions of romantic love
Where a couple live together as men and wife, though aren’t legally married
Commercialisation of childhood
Where children are targeted as a key consumer group by big business
the jointness of couples, in terms of tasks they perform and the equality in their leisure activities
Conjugal roles
Roles between husband and wife with particular reference to the domestic division of labour
Dsiappearance of childhood
Neil Postman - believes childhood in modern society is disappearing because the distinction between childhood and adulthood is slowly diminishing.
- Hence, children are growing up too fast
Domestic labour
Alternative name for childcare and housework as women do the vast majority of them and don’t get paid as they are not seen as contributing to the economic wealth of society
Domestic violence
An act of violence usually made by males towards his female partner in households
Dark side of the family
Challenges the romantic view of the family by perspectives like feminism and radial psychiatrists.
- Highlights the extent of conflict and violence in families and the exploitive aspects of family relationships are considered
Death rate
The number of deaths were thousand of the population per year
Dependency ratio
Ratio within the population of those under 15 and over 65 to those between those years
The legal termination of marriage
Divorce rate
Statistical measures the no. of divorces in any one year per 1000 married couples in the population
Divorce reform act 1971
introduced the concept of ‘no fault’ divorce
Divorce reform act 1984
the amount of time before application for divorce can be made was reduced
Dual burden
When a woman has the responsibility of unpaid work and paid work