FAMILY+HOUSEHOLD - Marxism and the family Flashcards
What is the big statement of the purpose of the family in marxism
- and how is this true
WHAT: its an important instrument for the ruling class as it maintains their position - it performs SOCIAL REPRODUCTION HOW: Because it forms part of the superstructure and thus passes on ruling class norms and values
What are the 3 functions of the family for marxist
1) Inheritance of property
2) Ideological functions
3) A unit of consumption
- Keyword
- What is the history of this theory
- What therefore happened to families
- How does this link to Marxism
- How does this also link to feminism
- What does Engels argue about the state and their role in this
KEYWORD: Inheritance of property
HISTORY: Pre-tribal societies = CLASSLESS and PRIMITIVE COMMUNISM w/ no private property
Post-capitalism = PRIVATE OWNERSHIP and the onset of nuclear families
WHAT: Need for MONOGAMY rose so fathers could pass their property down the family line with no question
MARXISM: Serves the ownership of property and reproduced inequality as the rich stay rich
FEMINISM: Rise of monogamy = world historical defeat of females as their sexuality is under male control
STATE: Is a bureaucratic mechanic ensuring the continuation and legality of marriage and family
- Evaluation
- Feminists
- Contemporary evidence
- Ethical argument
FEMINISTS: Role of women influenced by economics which is a patriarchal control over women’s sexuality
CONTEMPORARY: Infidelity still exists
- Paternity isn’t certain despite monogamous marriages
ETHICALLY: Family is worth more than your property when you die
- Keyword
- What ideological function does the family perform for children
- How is this done
KEYWORD: Ideological functions
WHAT: Family socialises children into a capitalist accepting society
HOW: Through parental power, which accustoms them to inevitable hierarchy that mirrors the workplace
- What ideological function does the family perform for itself
- How is this done
- But why does Zaretsky argue this is an illusion
WHAT: Offers a safe haven from the harsh capitalist world HOW: Because Proletarian men have a place where they are boss and can take out their stress and frustrations to comply the next day at work for the ruling class WHY: The family cant meet its members needs. Its based on the domestic servitude of women
Zaretsky ‘safe haven’
- Evaluation
- Outdated
- Functionalists
OUTDATED: assumes there’s only 1 worker in the family
FUNCTIONALISTS: Ignores the benefits of the family
- Murdock, and stabilisation of adult personalities
- Keyword
- What is their argument
- How does this happen
KEYWORD: Unit of consumption
WHAT: Wages for workers are kept down to maintain profit for the ruling class with the help of consuming families who stimulate and keep capitalism
- ‘Keeping up with the Joneses’ - must keep up with modernity = buying latest products
- ‘Pester power’ - Media targets children = they persuade parents to buy things they want
- ‘Must haves’ - Stigmatisation in school = children want to buy latest materials to avoid getting bullied
- Keyword
- What does he argue about the family
- How is this evident - explain
- Why has this happened to families
KEYWORD: Commodification
WHAT: Family has become a transaction in the 21st century
HOW: Relationships are more like connections which are likely to be severed if it negatively impacts the individual
WHY: Alienation = dissatisfaction by capitalist society can’t be soothed by the family so emotional struggled make the ‘transactions’ less valuable
- Evaluation
- Changes in society
- Beck
CHANGES: Some focus more on family than work so they are worth more than work
BECK: Precarity of unemployment = men more likely to label themselves by their role as a father than by their occupation
Overall criticisms of Marxism and the family
- Deterministic
- Diversityt
- Feminists
- Functionalists (+Parsons)
- Family breakdown
DETERMINISTIC: Assumes everyone accepts socialisation and that life is predetermined
DIVERSITY: Ignores family diversity, thinking the nuclear family is the dominant family type
FEMINISTS: Underestimated the patriarchy and impact of gender inequalities of the family serving men not capitalism
FUNCTIONALISTS: ‘Warm bath’ theory = benefits of the family
- Parsons believes the family has adapted to an industrial society
FAMILY BREAKDOWN: May be better for capitalism as divorce is expensive and lower classes money has to be spent on maintaining family relationships and later on new families
Marxism - theory criticisms
- Feminism
FEM: Feeley: family is authoritarian, reproducing patriarchy - contradicting zaretskys ideology of capitalism and isa