Family harm Flashcards
What is a PSO?
Public Safety Order
- issued and served by police at family harm incidents when neither party will leave, officer believes harm may restart and there is insufficient evidence for police.
- can be issued from 24 hours to 10 days.
What are people called under PSO?
Person at risk= person names in the order and their kids
Bound person= person against whom order is issued
How long do police have to serve PSO once issued? Can they detain?
48 hours.
Can detain for 2 hours under section 32(1) of Family Violence Act 2018 (must be given caution rights)
What happens if a PSO is breached?
Police take into custody (read rights), and be brought to court within 24 hours. If closed (sunday) release and serve summons.
If absconded, have a month to bring into custody.
What is section 18 of Search and Surveillance Act 2012?
Police have power under reasonable grounds to search for arms when issuing PSO or PO if suspect they carry arms.
What is a PO?
Protection order
Issued by court, served by police. Protects victims of family harm:
Standard conditions:
- non violence
- non contact (give victim power to ask to leave)
- surrender weapons
+ specific conditions to suit circumstances
How long is a PO temporary without notice?
3 months. Then made permanent unless respondent wants temporary order or applies for variation/ discharge
When can a PO be made?
- Without notice
- With notice where both parties go to court
- Apon sentencing or after PSO breach
What happens if a PO is breached?
- Liable for imprisonment (power to arrest under S113 Family Violence Act 2018)
- under good cause to suspect breach