Family and Diversity Flashcards
What is theory based practice?
Theories guide nursing practice by giving a perspective on family life/give basis for family assessment/interventions.
Goals of theory utilization?
Describe, explain, and predict. (theories increase knowledge, enhance understanding, and improve care).
What do family nursing theories help with?
Understand families, describe fam nursing interventions, and study/evaluate impact of nursing care.
CFAM 6 theoretical foundations by Shajani and Shell?
Postmodernisms, systems theory, cybernetics, communication theory, change theory, biology of cognition
Values pluralism (acknowledges many world view/explanations exists). Debates about knowledge of where it comes from. Seen in CFAM by valuing all versions of story/everyone’s experience of suffering
What is systems theory?
System is complex elements in mutual interaction. All parts of system are interconnected, whole is more than sum of parts, systems can be organized into subsystems, boundaries exists between system/its environment.
Different types of boundaries?
Open: greater interchange of information, energy, and people
Closed: more isolation and limits passage of energy, ideas, people and information
Flexible: control and selectively open or close to gain balance or adapt to
What is cybernetics?
Science of communication and control theory. It shifts focus from substance to form (now what’s being said but how it’s being said). Think about how we say content/how we deliver it.
What is communication theory?
All non verbal communication is important. See this in CFAM by paying attention to channels of communication: Digital (verbal message content), and analog (nonverbal and artistic)
What is change theory?
2 levels of change are first order change (use same problem solving skills in different situations) and second order change.
9 concepts of CT- Change is dependent on the perception of the problem, Change is determined by structure, Change is dependent on the context, Change is dependent on co-evolving goals for treatment, Understanding alone does not equal change, Change does not always occur equally in all family members, Facilitating change is the nurse’s responsibility, Change occurs by fitting interventions offered by the nurse with the biopsychosocial- spirtitual structures of the family, and Change can have multiple causes.
What is biology of cognition?
2 avenues to explain the world: objectivity (we exists independent of observers) and objectivity in parentheses (truths are created/brought forth by observer, nothing is certain certain/everyones view is version of presumably correct interpretation). Says we bring forth our realities through interacting with world/ourselves/others.
What is family systems theory?
Assumes individual is both a part/whole in a family. Family systems features designed to maintain stability/families are dynamic/respond to stress from environment. Change in 1 member can affect all members. Nurse goal is help maintain stability of family/achieve level of functioning.
4 parts of systems theory?
- all parts of system are interconnected
- the whole is more than sum of parts
- all systems have boundaries between system and environment
- systems can be divided further into subsystems
All parts of system are interconnected?
What influences one part affects all parts of system. The effect varies.
The whole is more than sum of its parts?
Family is considered more than individual lives, relationships viewed together, and family as a whole is affected by unexpected events.