FAM15 AIRPORTS Flashcards
What is a category A airport?
A category A airport is approved for all operations,
Can be destination, alternate, adequate or emergency airport.
What is a category B airport?
Cat B airport is the same as a cat A airport but with some additional considerations i.e considerations could be operational, environmental or on occasion commercial.
Cat B airports can be destination, alternate, adequate or emergency airport
Notes: caution and careful consideration should be applied when diverting to a cat b airport
Category C airport?
Cannot be classified as a Class A or B airport but is required for flight planning purposes.
Can be an adequate or emergency airport but flight crew are not divert to cat c airport in medical emergency.
What special requirements are required when the departure airport is a category c airport?
Contact IOC and get approval from the duty captain prior to departure.
If the departure airport is an emergency airport approval is reqd from chief pilot or delegate.
When assessing when as alternate is reqd what alternate minima is to be used?
Qantas alternate criteria.
Definition suitable airport?
Suitable airport is a cat A or B airport that,
Does not require an alternate for the period of use,
And appropriate holding fuel is carried i.e atc, weather, an aid availability etc.
Definition acceptable airport?
Acceptable airport is either a Cat A,B, C or emergency airport at the time of departure is forecast to be above landing minima for the applicable period.
Definition available airport?
An airport in the judgement of the captain is suitable for landing, in terms of weather , airport conditions and rwy length at the time of intended landing
Requirements for an alternate?
The PIC must provide for a Suitable Alternate airport when the arrival at the airport of intended landing will be during the currency of, or up to 30 minutes prior to the forecast commencement of, any one or more of the following weather conditions:
• more than scattered (SCT) cloud below the Alternate Criteria;
Note: In determining requirements for Alternate airports, forecast amounts of
cloud below the Alternate Criteria are cumulative. For determining
requirements the cumulative cloud amount is interpreted as:
– FEW plus FEW is equivalent to SCT;
– FEW plus SCT is equivalent to BKN;
– SCT plus SCT is equivalent to BKN or OVC.
• visibility less than the Alternate Criteria;
• visibility exceeding the above but the forecast is endorsed with any probability of fog, mist or dust or any other phenomenon reducing the visibility below the Alternate Criteria;
• a crosswind or downwind component greater than the maximum allowed for the aircraft type (wind limits are inclusive of gusts);
• thunderstorms or their associated severe turbulence or the probability thereof. When weather conditions are expected to improve at a specific time, provision for an Alternate need not be made if sufficient fuel is carried to allow the aircraft to hold until that specified time plus 30 minutes.
An Alternate airport may be a Category A or B airport.
What are the requirements when no approach is available?
Must hold a suitable alternate, no descent below lowest safe or MSA unless day or night visual app requirements can be met.
Requirements for a departure alternate?
Within 400nm, it may be a cat a,b,c or emergency airport
When is the 30min inter or 60mins tempo hold fuel required to be carried?
When eta falls with 30mins prior to forecast beginning to 30mins after period finishes.
If destination and alternate have tempos or inters only alternate hold fuel reqd.
Where is the approved alternate criteria located?
Jepperson charts or adjusted by intams
In rvsm airspace what is the maximum overshoot/undershoot allowed?
What is reqd if an overshoot/undershoot of 300ft or more occurs?
Fill out an ASIR, RE:assigned altitude deviation report
What is the reqd RFFS category?
All main and alternate airports have been assessed and approved with there current RFFS category.
Outside of Australia min category 4, 30min callout service is acceptable.
Note; inflight Captain May elect to land at an airport with no RFFS if it is deemed safer than diverting further to an airport with RFFS.
What category of airport is suitable for a diversion due too medical emergency?
Cat A&B but careful consideration should be given to the suitability of category B airports