Falls Nursing Flashcards
intrinsic factors
internal, e.g., muscle wastage, dehydration, poor mental health, hypotension, etc.
extrinsic factors
loss of limb(s), drug yuse, malnourishment, innapropriate furniture, culprit medications etc.
behavioural factors
rushing to get up
getting up in dark
postural hypotesnion
poor safety awareness
what is post-fall syndrome
- common in older people
- characterised by a fear of falling
- lack of confidence & voluntary restriction on activity due to fear
- can result in mental health problems, such as depression
- can reasuly in physical health issues; UTI from not going to toilet enough, dehydtration from not making drinks
what is decreased shock absorption
process by which our muscles absorb the brunt of force. if this ability/capacity is decreased, injury is much more likely
what is common in older people’s ankles?
- stiff ankle joints which can cause postural insability due to inability to flex ankle/foot
*reduced strenght of ankle muscles
somatosensory and falls in older people relation?
the somatosensory system is a network of neurones which help us recognise objects, discriminate textures, etc.
in older people and those with neurological conditions, their system’s structure and function may have declined
this can make foot positioning difficult; affecting mobility/increasing risk of falls
how often should older people have their eyes checked?
<75 annually
>75 (and/or diabetic) twice annually
basic checks for reducing falls risk
*glasses on
*hearing aids in
*non-slippery footwear/grippy socks on
what is delirium & its triggers?
an acute deterioration in mental functioning arising over hours or days and which is triggered by;
*medical illness
what does polypharmacy mean?
the term used to describe someone taking 6≥ medications
what are culprit medications? & their mechanisms
medicines which contribute to falls by a variety of mechansisms;
*distrubed balance
*blurred vision
what is postural hypotension?
a drop in someone’s BP upon sitting or standing up
symptoms of postural hypotension?
*chnages in vision
*losing consciousness with/without warning
enviromental risks for falls
*incorrect height of bed/chair
*un-worn aids; hearing aids/glassess/mobility aids
*no access to call bell
*innapropriate footwear
link between incontienence and fall risk
a loss of confidence in mobilising can restul in;
*not getting up for drinks and therefore rsiking dehydtration & hypotension, and their own risks
*not going to the toilet enough and risking a UTI from urinary retention
what is nocturia and why is it a falls risk
a condition which causes a perosn to be awoken during the night to urinate. a falls risk because it means mobilising when tired and in the dark.
how soon must a falls risk be carried out
within 24 hours of admission/transfer to another ward/depaetment
Weekly or sooner if the patient falls or their condition changes